County of San Diego 2024 Legislative Program
A. Opioid Fatality Review Teams
Seek a change in law to establish a state-wide framework for counties to form opioid fatality review teams. These teams would allow counties to engage in system-wide team review when there is an opioid fatality and to promote information sharing between agencies. The goal of such teams would be to prevent future occurrences, as well as to improve coordination and effectiveness of interventions.
B. Healthy San Diego Advisory Board Changes
Seek changes to the Welfare and Institutions Code to update terminology and operational structure so that Healthy San Diego can better provide guidance as a local advisory body to San Diego’s Medi-Cal managed care.
C. Dental Procedure Billing Code
Create an additional billing code for Medi-Cal reimbursement for dental procedures in order to increase more equitable access to needed care and to address oral health disparities.
D. Enhancing Fentanyl Education and Strengthening Harm Reduction Efforts
Seek a change in the California Education Code to mandate enhanced substance use prevention, increased strategies to reduce harm to young people caused by fentanyl use and expand mental health support education.
E. Creating a Regionwide Street Health Initiative
Seek a change in law to ensure Medi-Cal reimbursement is available for street medicine services in order to remove barriers to health for people experiencing homelessness.
A. Mobile Pharmacy DEA Registration
Seek a change in law that would waive the requirement of a separate DEA registration for a mobile pharmacy and instead allow the mobile pharmacy to operate as an extension of a pharmacy license held by a county, city and county, or special hospital authority.
A. Home Hardening Tax Exemption
Seek a change in law that would exempt a qualified catastrophe mitigation payment under a state program for wildfire, wind, and earthquake mitigation measures from federal income tax, thereby making the state-funded portion of a home hardening grant tax-exempt at the federal level.
The County of San Diego will actively engage in legislation and related actions in the following areas at the state and federal level to ensure such legislation benefits County Operations and the clients, customers, and constituents we serve.
The County of San Diego will actively pursue all available funding to lift up and invest in our communities to ensure the San Diego region receives its fair share.
The County will oppose any legislative efforts that run counter to our stated priorities.
The San Diego region needs more affordable housing. The demand for new affordable housing is greater than the number of units developed, and available housing is beyond the reach of many families to buy or rent. Reports continue to show that housing in San Diego County is among the most expensive in the nation, and economic conditions have significantly impacted those that are most in need of affordable housing solutions.
The County of San Diego and cities in the region operate several programs to provide, preserve, and develop affordable housing. These programs offer rental assistance, affordable housing opportunities for renters, financial assistance for first-time homebuyers and veterans, resources for persons experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, and financing for the development of affordable housing.
The County will engage in efforts to increase the number of rental assistance vouchers available and enhance funding for rental assistance programs that support low-income and other vulnerable populations. The County will also work with local municipalities, community partners, the State, and the Federal Government to ensure legislation supports the creation of affordable housing in our region. The County will also seek ways to partner with public entities and other sectors to facilitate more workforce housing, including in locations aligning with climate action and sustainability priorities. As the County works to increase the net housing supply in the region, it will also pursue reforms that will allow for a fairer allocation of the State’s Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) credits. The County will also pursue opportunities for ‘community benefit’ co-located services with affordable housing, such as child care, healthy food, and medical services. The County will support legislation that streamlines these processes and adequately funds administrative costs to deliver services.
The County of San Diego is guided by a broad vision of a behavioral health system characterized by upstream prevention and continuous care rather than perpetual crisis. This system is rooted in a regionally distributed and coordinated model that is data-driven and culturally responsive. The County will support legislation that advances this framework for behavioral health services.
The County of San Diego, California, and the nation face a significant behavioral health worker shortage. Behavioral health workers serve some of our most vulnerable populations along the behavioral health continuum of care and range from peer support specialists to psychiatrists. To address this crisis, the County will support legislation that addresses behavioral health worker recruitment, training, and retention.
The County of San Diego will work with regional partners to advance efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change in San Diego County, including achieving zero carbon emissions by 2035. These efforts include, but are not limited to, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, programs and policies that prioritize environmental justice and equity, support of local food systems and community resiliency, and preservation of natural ecosystems and promotion of sustainable agricultural practices to function for carbon sequestration. In addition, the County will advocate for legislation and funding that aligns with both state and federal 30x30 conservation efforts. The County will also focus on additional key areas:
- Due to the history of catastrophic wildfires in the region, the County of San Diego has continued to target reducing the risk of wildfires by improving local policies and codes and implementing innovative programs to help residents prepare for the next disaster. Wildfires are naturally occurring within the San Diego region and need to be managed as such. Climate change is making the wildfires in our region more destructive and more frequent, such that the fire season is nearly year-round. The County employs a comprehensive approach to fire protection, which includes areas of focus such as fire suppression (expanding coverage and purchasing equipment), fire and building codes, defensible space, land use planning, and community engagement through education and outreach. The County will engage in legislation and administrative action that addresses habitat management and restoration; supports the removal of dead, dying, and diseased trees; reduces community wildfire risk and/or strengthens community resiliency following a major wildfire; adopts land use changes to avoid building in high wildfire-prone areas; promotes home hardening in vulnerable communities; and addresses post-fire flood mitigation issues.
Water Quality
- Under the Beach and Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program, the County of San Diego Department of Environmental Health and Quality (DEHQ) performs beach water quality sampling for compliance with State health standards. When poor water quality or sewage impacts are identified, an advisory, warning, or water contact closure is issued, and the public is notified through a number of different outlets, including social media, a website, telephone hotline, press releases, and posted signs on affected beaches. Additionally, as an international border county, local beaches in the South Bay may also be impacted by cross-border sewage flows, making binational and regional coordination and responsiveness to potential beach water quality impacts essential for public health protection. Funding to support local beach water quality monitoring and information-sharing is beneficial for public health authorities in the border region. The County will seek all funding and infrastructure improvement opportunities for the Tijuana River Valley and to improve beach water quality. The County will also request federal resources to help San Diegans impacted by the Tijuana River Valley water pollution emergency. Additionally, the County will engage in legislation to support increased funding for beach water testing efforts, improved scientific methods for testing, and additional programs. The region also has an aging sewer and stormwater infrastructure system in need of more funding, particularly in the areas of drainage, source control, green infrastructure, and sewer restoration opportunities. The County will engage in legislation and pursue funding for stormwater capture and flood risk reduction, the repair and improvement of sewer and stormwater infrastructure, and the preservation and restoration of riparian habitat.
- There currently are more than 60 species in San Diego County listed as rare, threatened, or endangered by the State and Federal Government, and there are more species of concern in San Diego than in any other county in the continental United States. The implementation of multi-species Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs), as well as Natural Community Conservation Plans (NCCPs), is critical to our conservation measures. The County will engage in legislation and pursue funding that protects habitats and species of concern across the region and increases the adoption of local native plants in public and private landscaping.
Environmental Justice and Protection
- Environmental justice is defined as the equal protection and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. Climate justice acknowledges that climate change can have differing social, economic, public health, and other adverse impacts on underserved populations. Historically, those most impacted by the effects of climate change, pollution, and other environmental issues have come from underserved, low-income communities, tribal nations, and communities of color. The County will support legislation and pursue funding for initiatives and efforts to support mitigation, adaptation, and resilience promotion measures to reduce the public health impacts of climate change (e.g., excessive heat, wildfire smoke/air quality, vector borne diseases). The County will engage in legislation and pursue funding that supports the County’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) and the County’s Office of Sustainability and Environmental Justice (OSEJ) as they work to achieve zero carbon emissions and safeguard the health of the region’s people and natural resources. The CAP Team and OSEJ continue to collaborate with all County departments, other agencies such as the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District, other jurisdictions, Tribal nations, and community stakeholders to set measurable goals and shepherd sustainability solutions that support equitable and healthy communities reducing air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and exposure to toxic and hazardous waste, while also reducing disparities and expanding opportunities for traditionally underserved communities. The County will engage in legislation and pursue funding for efforts to mitigate and reverse the impacts of climate change on all communities, with an urgent focus on low-income communities and communities of color that bear some of the greatest effects of climate change to ensure a healthy environment for all to live, learn, work, and play.
Food Systems
- A food system includes all processes and infrastructure in place to feed a population; from all the inputs that are necessary to grow food, to the management of wasted food, and everything in between: production, manufacturing and processing, storage and distribution, consumption, and disposal of food and food-related products. The County will support legislation and pursue funding for initiatives and efforts to support access to healthy, local, and affordable food, climate-smart and resilient agriculture, preservation of agricultural lands, nutrition security and education, and wasted food prevention and recovery to ensure a safe, equitable, and sustainable food system for the San Diego region.
Data is essential to shaping public policy that is equitable, impactful, and appropriate. The County of San Diego interfaces with many data portals to administer programs funded by the State and Federal Government. The County will advocate that data systems are modernized, interconnected and accurate, and support legislation that provides funding and capability to enhance our own data efforts. Additionally, the County will advocate for providing person-centered case management and support, and enabling more robust program evaluation, performance measurement, and operations-focused analytics. The County will work with the National Association of Counties (NACo) and the NACo Artificial Intelligence (AI) Exploratory Committee as they develop policy recommendations related to AI and cybersecurity. Furthermore, the County will advocate on legislation and/or other related actions that encourage AI innovation, but also protect safety, security, and individual civil rights.
Essential to the well-being of any community is adequate support for children and families. The County has fundamentally shifted the traditional approach to child protection by providing family strengthening and prevention services to families in a more holistic and integrated way, by keeping families together, holding the family’s voice as the expert in how to best keep their children safe, and reducing unnecessary child protective actions that have historically harmed and separated families. The County will pursue opportunities to support legislation that advances this safety and prevention framework and that addresses worker recruitment, training, and retention to serve these populations.
Research has shown that the prenatal period creates the foundation of a child's future healthy development and the rapid brain development that occurs in the first five years of life makes these years the most formative in a child's life. Prioritizing and improving the existing systems to support healthy development and overall well-being for all children throughout the County is crucial. The County, working with the local First 5 and the State and Federal government, will advocate for and leverage available resources to support pregnant individuals and children from birth to five years of age.
Child care is vital to families, children, and employers, yet too many San Diegans cannot find or afford child care that meets their needs. To address this challenge, the County will support legislation prioritizing accessible child care for all families. The County will pursue funding opportunities and legislation that support the child care provider workforce to be well-trained and fairly and competitively compensated for high-quality child care and education services. The County will pursue legislative action and funding opportunities that support the State’s Rate and Quality Workgroup Report recommendations and the accompanying modeling of an alternative methodology rate structure. These recommendations include: ensuring equity is foundational to all change; changing the current reimbursement methodology to one that is based on the cost of care, including wage scales that set a living wage floor; creating a single rate structure that specifies base rates, is designed to address historic inequities and has separate base rates based on the type of care provided (for example: home-based versus center-based care) in order to differentiate base creates for meeting different sets of state standards; and continuously evaluate the rate-setting methodology to address equity and adjust for changing conditions and rising costs. Additionally, the County will advocate for changes to local and state regulations and practices to improve existing child care facilities and develop new facilities.
One of the most important roles of local government is ensuring the safety of the public. It is critical to keep all members of our community protected.
Disasters and Emergencies
- The County of San Diego will support legislation and efforts to ensure all-hazard preparation, planning, mitigation, response, and recovery to foster safe, strong, and capable communities. This includes, but is not limited to, support for funding to purchase and/or acquire firefighting helicopters and other related equipment and apparatus.
- The County of San Diego will engage in legislation and related actions at the state and federal level that will allow the County to adequately respond to future public health crises, including, but not limited to, resources and efforts to combat health misinformation that undermines an emergency response and poses a threat to public health. In addition, the County will also engage in legislation that bolsters public health infrastructure and workforce across all levels of government.
Community Safety
- The County of San Diego aims to advocate for policies that create a system that is equitable, fair, and just. It is vital not only that crime rates remain low but that the community feels safe where they live, work, and play, and that includes fostering trust with members of the law enforcement community.
- The County of San Diego will engage in legislation that protects the safety of those in our community, strengthens relations between communities and law enforcement, provides necessary resources to our justice partners to provide training and rehabilitative programming, and provides services and support to victims of crime, disasters, and emergencies.
- The County of San Diego will also support state and federal legislation that furthers reforms related to reducing gun violence, including background checks for firearm purchases, budgetary commitments to invest in the communities most impacted by everyday gun violence, safe storage of firearms, safe and voluntary transfer of firearms, and/or new oversight and accountability measures for the gun industry.
- The County of San Diego will pursue state and federal resources to support the infrastructure needs of County detention facilities to ensure proper medical and mental health care can be advanced and rehabilitative programming can be further administered in accordance with the Sheriff’s Department comprehensive service delivery model.
Historic inequities within the healthcare system and across broader social and economic factors have resulted in worse health outcomes among Black, indigenous, and people of color, including reduced life expectancy and increased risk for some chronic diseases and other morbidities. As a major source of healthcare coverage for over one million of San Diego County’s population, including low-income children, adults and seniors, and people with disabilities, Medi-Cal can help advance equity goals and reduce disparities by increasing access to health and social care services, identifying new and innovative approaches to service delivery, and implementing changes to managed care, provider payments, and benefits. The County will support legislation that strengthens the local wellness delivery system and addresses social drivers of health to improve the health and well-being of children, older adults, justice-involved individuals, and others receiving Medi-Cal benefits. The County will support legislation that improves access to recuperative care for all San Diegans. The County will also support legislation that enables the State to hold commercial health plans accountable for equity and parity as well as reasonable reimbursement rates for behavioral health services and consistency across plans regarding care standards and expectations. In addition, the County will support legislation and administrative actions that would lead to increased Medicaid reimbursement rates for California to ensure the Medi-Cal recipients in San Diego County have access to a robust and adequately funded system of care, including but not limited to bringing down the cost of critical prescription medications, especially for those on Medicaid and Medicare.
The legacy of systemic racism and racial inequities continues to negatively impact many communities in San Diego, and the County of San Diego is committed to advocating for policy changes to address these historical wrongs. The County's work on equity and racial justice is ongoing and informing our work both within the County organization and in the community at large.
Achieving Equity
- The County will engage with legislation that dismantles barriers encountered by Black, Indigenous and other people of color, women, LGBTQIA+ communities, people with intellectual and physical disabilities, and other populations in all aspects of life, including, but not limited to, healthcare, education, criminal justice reform, housing, environmental justice, economic development, and wealth generation.
Economic Justice
- Matters of economic justice and fairness remain at the core of an equitable society. Social safety net programs provide much-needed assistance for those who are struggling to make ends meet and the stigmatization around such programs often prevents those who would benefit from these programs from seeking this assistance.
Civil Rights Protections
- The protection of civil rights remains the bedrock of a functioning democracy. The County will support and advocate for legislation to uphold civil rights protections.
The County of San Diego works collaboratively with service providers, our regional Continuum of Care, the Regional Task Force on Homelessness, and other jurisdictions, non-profits, and community partners to administer or deliver a range of health and social services to people who are experiencing or at-risk of homelessness in both incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county. The County also provides, subject to available resources, housing linkages, street outreach, case management, care coordination in connection to primary care and behavioral health services, and emergency housing for people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Funds for these services come primarily from the State and Federal Government, although County general funds are also contributed. The County takes the lead, where appropriate, to secure federal and state resources and works collaboratively with the non-profit community and participating jurisdictions in the completion of competitive grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and state and federal agencies for funds that would assist people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness.
The County will advocate for legislation and funding that provides effective prevention, intervention, and access to affordable housing for individuals experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness, with the overarching goal being that any homelessness in our region can become rare, brief, and non-recurring. This legislation should provide consistent and sustainable funding at a level commensurate with the need and be flexible enough to administer to meet the specific needs of our region.
Recent data reports show that one in four San Diegans struggle with nutrition security, part of a concerning trend in the rise of food insecurity across the country. Many flexibilities enacted by Congress around nutrition programs like SNAP and WIC during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic illustrated the positive impact these programs have when barriers to access are eliminated. As too many county residents struggle with nutrition security, recent changes to programs like SNAP to increase accessibility require additional outreach resources, and longstanding barriers for populations like college students should end. The County will support and advocate for legislation to provide more access to vital nutrition programs for San Diegans. The County will also support legislation to reduce barriers to lawful access to crucial social safety net programs and legislation that promotes increased security measures for EBT cards.
There are approximately 783,500 San Diegans aged 60 and older, and by 2030, that number is expected to grow to approximately 910,000. San Diego County’s over-85 population is projected to diversify and grow faster than any other age group. Thus, it is crucial the needs of the region's older adults are considered as we plan for the future. The County of San Diego has adopted an Aging Roadmap as the regional plan to ensure that the region has programs and communities that equitably support the needs and celebrate the contributions of all older adults in the San Diego region. The Aging Roadmap identifies specific goals and action steps in ten priority areas: Health and Community Support, Housing, Social Participation, Transportation, Dementia-Friendly, Caregiver Support, Safety, Preparedness and Response, the Silver Economy, and Medical and Social Services.
The County of San Diego will pursue funding opportunities to support the vision of the Aging Roadmap and engage in legislation that promotes a robust system of support for the aging population in San Diego County. The County will advocate for a timely reauthorization of the Older Americans Act and ensure the continuation of vital programs for older adults.
The State of California has long been recognized as the state with the strongest protections for reproductive freedom. In November 2022, California voters added the right to access reproductive healthcare to the California Constitution, which includes the right to have an abortion and to choose or refuse contraceptives.
The County of San Diego also serves as a model for defending and fighting for reproductive freedom. In 2021, the County of San Diego Board of Supervisors declared the County of San Diego a champion for reproductive freedom.
Although abortions are legal in San Diego County, individuals still face barriers to reproductive care access. In other parts of the country, efforts are underway to undermine the rights previously recognized under Roe v. Wade. Severely restricting the conditions under which an abortion can be performed will have devastating impacts nationwide and will disproportionately impact those populations that already face barriers to accessing medical care: communities of color, people with low incomes, immigrants, and young people. In addition, restrictive laws that severely limit access to safe and legal abortion or contraception will force individuals to have children against their will or result in individuals seeking alternative options that can be dangerous. Facing restrictive laws, those seeking a legal abortion may be forced to seek care elsewhere, often having to travel long distances, over state lines, and incur additional expenses to seek the medical attention they need.
The County of San Diego will identify, prioritize, and advocate for sexual and reproductive health care funding, programs and services that increase access and protect individuals seeking to obtain and provide reproductive health services in the region. In addition, the County will support regulatory, budgetary, and legislative efforts that strengthen access to abortion medications such as Misoprostol and Mifepristone.
Improving the transportation network throughout San Diego while maintaining environmental quality is a high priority for the County of San Diego. The County has seen an increased demand placed on the region’s transportation system, which requires balancing the need for road maintenance projects and transit infrastructure to alleviate traffic congestion, environmental impacts, and the degradation of existing roadways. Additionally, increasing zero and low carbon transportation options is an important component for the future of transportation and mobility in the region as they improve fuel economy, lower fuel costs, and reduce emissions. The County will pursue funding opportunities and engage in legislation that provides the necessary resources for our region to maintain and/or improve its transportation network and reduce vehicle miles traveled, enhance resiliency, along with efforts to reduce emissions through green technology and increase multi-modal transportation opportunities in the unincorporated area.
San Diego County is home to one of the largest concentrations of military personnel in the nation, and it’s estimated more than one-third of County residents are connected to the military in some fashion as active duty, veterans, or family members. The County’s Office of Military and Veterans Affairs assists active-duty military, veterans, and their dependents and survivors to obtain federal and state benefits that they are entitled to receive. It also supports the provision of services and supports to the families of active military members in San Diego County. The County is a diverse and dynamic border community with a history enriched by immigrants from many countries and backgrounds. The County will support legislation that fosters the return and naturalization of deported service members who served in our armed forces and military. The County values and honors the service and sacrifice of those who serve in our armed forces, and pursuant to these values, the County will engage in legislation to support our military and veteran community. This includes adequate funding for programs, appropriate benefits and services, and housing for active-duty military, veterans, including dependents of living and deceased veterans, and support for veterans with housing vouchers.
In the absence of meaningful immigration reform, there will continue to be waves of migration to our region without adequate support for the asylum seekers, the border communities who welcome them, or the communities to which they are traveling for residence.
The Board of Supervisors approved a concept paper describing what is needed to provide a long-term solution to provide humanitarian support to those seeking asylum in our country. A permanent Migrant Transfer Site and Respite Shelter is needed in our region to serve as a one-stop-shop to assist with the needs of migrants, including onward travel to their sponsors. With a firm plan in hand, the County will advocate consistently at the state and federal level for funding, acquisition of a site, and ongoing staffing and services support. The plan also supports our regional partners to seek philanthropic matching funds for this effort as additional sources of funding.
The inverse of the following statements is also true. The County will oppose any legislative efforts that run counter to our stated guiding principles and policy guidelines.
- Work collaboratively with cities, the State, tribal nations, and binationally with the City of Tijuana, Baja California Norte, and the Country of México.
- Protect the fiscal integrity of the County by stabilizing local government financing to increase funding to local agencies in an equitable manner.
- Ensure equity, transparency, and access for all residents.
- Provide a system/continuum of care that is operationally feasible for the County and benefits the residents of our region.
- Streamline eligibility processes for state and federal programs that will assist with timely processing and ensure benefits get to the clients who need them.
- Support an equitable allocation and distribution of state and federal funding that allows for flexibility and the participation of all jurisdictions throughout California, including San Diego.
- Ensure equitable access to goods or services focused on providing needed resources and programs to underserved communities and vulnerable populations.
- Support the reauthorization of federal bills that benefit the County, including, but not limited to, infrastructure, transportation, the Farm Bill (e.g., the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, the Older Americans Act, the Endangered Species Act and/or the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009.
- Pursue sustainable grant funding at the state and federal levels.
- Support a community-based approach to public safety.
I. General Government
- Support legislation that allows local, state, or federal governments to streamline operations and business efficiency while retaining a skilled and supported workforce.
- Support legislation that includes an equitable allocation and distribution of state and federal funding.
- Support legislation and/or efforts that recognize the unique characteristics of border areas and the needs for related infrastructure such as ports and ports of entry, transportation related to goods movement, and air and water quality improvements related to cross-border pollution.
- Support legislation and administrative actions that provide consistency between the California Code of Regulations and State statutes.
- Support legislation that would eliminate financial and service level maintenance-of-effort requirements.
- Support full funding of the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) program.
- Support legislation that backfills counties’ revenue losses and allows for flexibility of revenue backfills to County programs.
- Support legislation that improves cross-system integration of funding sources.
- Support legislation and administrative actions that create a statewide process for independent redistricting commissions similar to the Independent Redistricting Commission for the County of San Diego.
- Support efforts to increase transparency in civilian oversight of law enforcement meetings and investigations. (For example: by permitting public case review discussion and allowing documents and information related to investigations of civilian complaints of misconduct, deaths, and other specified incidents under oversight entity jurisdiction to be made public)
- Support efforts to ensure appropriate resources, authority, and flexibility are provided to operationalize the CARE Act framework.
- Support legislation that clarifies for the purposes of conditionally releasing a Sexually Violent Predator (SVP), placement restrictions near a “public or private school” include home school sites.
- Support state legislation requiring an affirmative vote by a majority of the voters located in the entire San Diego County Water Authority (CWA) service area before a proposed special district detachment from the CWA can be finalized.
- Support legislation that expands access to affordable insurance for all San Diegans. (For example: homeowners should be able to access and obtain affordable home insurance even if a homeowner lives in a high-risk wildfire area)
A. Equity
- Support legislation that would strengthen protections and remedies against employment discrimination.
- Support legislation that would dismantle barriers encountered by Black, Indigenous and other people of color, women, LGBTQ+ communities, people with physical and intellectual disabilities, and other populations.
- Support legislation that would reduce inequities and promote inclusion and accessibility for people with disabilities of all ages.
- Support legislation that would promote equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive language accessibility.
B. Disaster
- Support legislation that would provide flexibility and/or
increased funding to the San Diego region to prepare, mitigate,
respond, and recover from all-hazard disasters and
- Support legislation that ensures continued funding for local jurisdictions for emergency planning, training, drills, mitigation, and response and recovery activities until all spent fuel is removed from the site of the decommissioned San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.
- Support legislation that would remove and relocate outside of the San Diego region the spent nuclear fuel stored at the decommissioned San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.
C. Economic and Workforce Development
- Support legislation that would increase access to wealth
and/or improved living standards that promotes and sustains
diversity, innovation, competition, and entrepreneurship.
- Support legislation that facilitates the State’s engagement
with federal small business technical assistance grants.
- Support legislation that would provide financial incentives and
opportunities for filming in San Diego County.
- Support legislation that bolsters innovation for green
industries throughout the region and expands access for residents in
San Diego County to green jobs with family-supporting wages.
D. Registrar of Voters
- Support legislation that promotes a fair, equitable, and engaged voting process.
E. Broadband
- Support legislation and/or funding to improve broadband
accessibility and affordability in San Diego County and throughout
F. Employee and Labor Relations
- Support full cost recovery for salary, benefits, and
administration for all employee relationships.
- Support legislative and administrative actions that provide
adequate training and safety measures to County employees who
administer programs.
G. Liability
- Engage in legislation that protects the County from
H. Local Public Meeting Procedure
- Support legislation or administrative action that would improve the Brown Act or would facilitate remote public access and participation in public meetings and the policy making process.
I. Project Delivery Authority
- Support legislation that gives local governments and agencies
greater flexibility to use alternative delivery methods for
construction projects.
J. Supporting Working Families
- Support legislation that promotes increasing living wage jobs
with comprehensive benefits, including but not limited to, paid
family leave.
- Support legislation that protects the
right of workers to organize.
- Support legislation
that provides strong workplace safety standards.
- Support funding, legislation, or administrative action that
facilitates and incentivizes the production of moderate to
middle-income housing in the 80-120% AMI range.
- Support legislation that increases access to quality, affordable early care and education child care in the region.
K. Immigrant Services
- Support legislation and/or efforts that provide federally
funded immigration solutions and coordination that ensure safe and
appropriate shelter and care for families and unaccompanied children
and to minimize health risks to those entering and exiting federal
- Support legislation that would increase
access to legal counsel for Immigrants and Refugees.
II. Health and Human Services
A. Behavioral Health
- Support efforts that modernize the Mental Health Services Act
and other related efforts by providing appropriate resources,
authority, and flexibility and that are responsive to the
data-informed needs of the region.
- Support efforts
to increase accessibility and funding for quality substance use
and/or mental health services for children, youth, adults, older
adults, and families.
- Support legislation to expand
Medi-Cal reimbursement for behavioral health services.
- Support legislation to provide Institutions for Mental Disease
appropriate reimbursement rates.
- Support legislation
that promotes the integration of and parity between mental health,
substance use disorder, and physical health care services, and the
provision of care coordination services to support seamless care
throughout a person’s lifetime.
- Support for
legislation and/or efforts to create an appropriate level of
service(s) for substance use disorders along the continuum of crisis
to long-term management, especially focused on methamphetamine
- Support legislation that promotes a
harm reduction approach to substance use disorder treatment and
- Support legislation that includes, but is
not limited to, provisions to improve behavioral health workforce
licensing and credentialing, supervision and training, high
education, and pay parity.
B. Child Care and Development
- Support measures that enhance the overall quality, affordability, capacity, accessibility, safety and pay equity of early care and education (child care development) programs.
C. Children and Youth
- Support legislation that reduces the impact of trauma to
children by promoting primary prevention through nurturing
relationships and environments, building up protective factors in
families, and creating equitable pathways to wellness.
- Support legislation that increases and supports appropriate
temporary shelter care, short- and long-term placements, services,
and resource options for children, current foster youth, non-minor
dependents, and former foster youth of or at risk of abuse, neglect,
or exploitation.
- Support legislation that increases
services and resources for caregivers of children, non-minor
dependents, and current and former foster youth who are victims of
or at risk of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
- Support legislation that enables more significant early
intervention and comprehensive support for families and children,
starting with pregnant individuals and birth.
D. First 5 Commission
- Support legislation that is consistent with the principles of First 5 San Diego and furthers the support and improvement of the early care and education system and school readiness throughout the county.
- Support legislation that increases funding for
children ages birth to 5 years old and, more specifically, which
includes First 5 commissions as eligible applicants or recipients of
available funding.
E. Issues Affecting Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities
- Support efforts to increase resources and services available
to vulnerable adults and the individuals who provide them with
- Support legislation that promotes the
sustainability of the In-Home Supportive Services Program through
programmatic changes, workforce development, and appropriate cost
sharing mechanisms between the State and counties.
- Engage in efforts that would support programs to assist older
adults to age where they choose, including rental subsidies, access
to affordable housing, transportation access, housing retrofit,
assisted living support, access to technology tools and training,
and end of life care.
- Engage in legislation that
builds a care delivery system that provides effective, reliable,
affordable, high-quality, and efficient services to frail, older
adult residents and adults who are living with a serious illness
and/or disability.
- Support legislation or
administrative actions and funding for a Memory Care Unit at the
Veterans Home of California in Chula Vista.
- Support
for legislation and/or administrative actions that would adjust
reimbursement rates in order to sustain operations and/or funding
for Regional Centers and Community Care Facilities that serve
persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities
- Support legislation that would prohibit the
Department of Motor Vehicles from releasing, with minor exceptions,
the addresses and personal information of County employees who
perform investigations in their personal vehicles.
F. Maternal Child Health
- Support legislation that would provide equitable funding in
the Title V allocation to California.
- Support
legislation that would aid in the implementation of evidence-based
care coordination practices and systems for the whole child within
California Children’s Services.
- Support legislation
that would maintain or enhance appropriation of State General Fund
to Maternal Child Health programs.
- Support
legislation that addresses structural inequalities in perinatal
G. Medi-Cal
- Engage in legislation and administrative actions that provides
for a Medi-Cal Managed Care System that provides recipients in San
Diego County the highest level of care in the least restrictive
- Engage in Medicaid Waiver applications
and/or renewals that improve and build upon San Diego County
programs and services.
H. Health Access
- Support legislation that would expand access to, and provide
adequate funding for, health coverage for the uninsured.
- Support legislation that would simplify the administration of,
application for, and enrollment and eligibility processes for health
coverage programs.
I. Public Health
- Support legislation that would increase state and federal
funding to support public health services, including surveillance,
communicable disease control, and prevention activities, and local
public health assessment and evaluation efforts.
- Support legislation and administrative actions that restrict the
sales of flavored tobacco products.
- Support
legislation that encourages the immunization of children, especially
those within communities with low immunization rates.
- Support legislation and administrative actions that allow for
greater testing of children for lead exposure and lead-related
J. Edgemoor
- Engage in legislation that would provide funding and/or
streamline regulations for Edgemoor.
K. 2-1-1 Services
- Support legislation that would provide funding to assist in
ongoing operation of a 2-1-1 referral system.
L. Nutrition
- Support legislation and/or actions that expand access to
affordable and nutritious food.
- Support legislation
that focuses on Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Fraud Mitigation
to protect customers and prevent theft of EBT benefits.
- Support legislation to reduce barriers to access for vital
nutrition programs and expand eligibility requirements.
M. Homelessness
- Support legislation and administrative actions that would
result in a sustainable and consistent source of funding for
homelessness programs.
- Support legislation that
would increase funding for programs providing services and support
to those individuals experiencing homelessness or at risk of
N. Housing
- Support legislation that increases administrative
flexibilities related to the production and preservation of
affordable housing and permanent supportive housing.
- Support legislation that streamlines affordable housing
- Support legislation that provides
ongoing operating funding associated with necessary services at
permanent supportive housing developments.
- Support legislation that increases housing production; promotes equity, inclusion, and sustainability; preserves housing for vulnerable populations; prevents displacement of existing residents; and protects tenants.
III. Planning and Land Use
A. General Plans and Land Use Planning
- Support efforts to simplify, streamline, and improve land use
planning, activities, and matters including but not limited to
housing, multimodal transportation, and sustainability.
- Protect local control over land-use decisions and flexibility
over resources when it makes sense to maintain unique
characteristics for the community within the unincorporated area and
does not limit housing options for the region. (For example:
protecting local input into the siting of wireless cell
B. Cooperation with Tribal Governments
- Support legislation that recognizes tribal sovereignty and encourages mutually respectful relationships between tribal and local governments.
C. Regional Growth Management
- Support legislation and flexible funding that would ensure or promote socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable regional growth strategies and management.
IV. Public Safety
A. Animal Services
- Engage in legislation that protects the general welfare and
safety of animals.
- Support legislation that would
promote the spaying or neutering and/or microchip identification of
B. Child Support Services
- Support legislation, budget, or administrative action to
adequately fund child support services.
- Support
legislation that promotes flexibility, efficiency, equity, and
modernization within the child support program.
C. Justice Programs
- Support legislation and/or efforts to reduce collateral
consequences of criminal convictions upon individuals and families,
especially in underserved communities and communities of
- Support legislation that would provide
sufficient and sustainable funding from the State and Federal
Government to expand and maintain offender diversion and reentry
collaborative programming, including behavioral health treatment
services, service navigation, and housing support for
justice-involved individuals with substance use, mental health or
co-occurring disorders reentering California communities.
- Support funding for programs that divert individuals from
the criminal justice system.
- Support efforts to
decriminalize behavioral health.
- Engage in
legislation that provides resources and/or support to victims of
- Engage in legislation that expands programs for the justice-impacted population to attend higher education for traditional bachelor’s degrees and adult education programs leading to sustainable employment.
D. Gun Violence Prevention
- Support legislation that furthers violence prevention
including related to background checks for firearm purchases,
budgetary commitments to invest in the communities most impacted by
everyday gun violence, and/or new oversight and accountability
measures for the gun industry.
E. Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Support legislation and administrative actions to provide funding and policies to improve and/or increase access to EMS/trauma specialty care systems and other services provided by emergency department facilities and EMS responders.
- Support
legislation that would expand the scope of community paramedicine by
broadening the scope of care that paramedics can provide to include
immunizations, sample collections, staffing at Emergency Departments
and Skilled Nursing Facilities and/or other efforts that would
reduce the impacts of low-acuity calls on the 911 system.
- Support legislation that provides for an equitable reimbursement rate for emergency ambulance transportation for public health insurers.
V. Resources and Environment
A. Agricultural Services and Resilience
- Local Agriculture
a. Support legislation that creates programmatic or funding opportunities to support local agricultural operations.
2. Pest, Disease, and Weed Management
a. Support continued or increased funding for pest,
disease, and weed management, including
regulatory pest exclusion, detection, quarantine compliance and
eradication activities, outreach, and research to
mitigate the economic and environmental risks related to invasive
agricultural pests.
b. Support legislation that would simplify,
streamline, and improve pest management, including
improved coordination between federal, state,
and local programs.
3. Pesticide Regulation
a. Support continued or increased funding for pesticide regulatory activities, including permitting, outreach, compliance assessment and enforcement.
b. Support efforts to improve, simplify and
streamline pesticide regulation activities.
c. Oppose changes to state laws that would restrict
California Department of Pesticide Regulation’s
and County Agricultural Commissioners’ authority to regulate
4. Agricultural Standards
a. Support continued or increased funding for
regulatory activities related to agricultural standards
programs that protect consumers and promote
equity and quality in the marketplace.
b. Support efforts to improve, simplify and
streamline regulatory activities related to agricultural
standards programs that protect consumers and
promote equity and quality in the marketplace.
5. Bees
a. Support legislation and increased funding for
regulatory and other activities related to the protection
of bees and the beekeeping industry.
6. Weights and Measures
a. Support legislation and funding for regulatory
and other activities related to verifying the accuracy of
weighing and measuring devices and prices charged to
consumers to support consumer protection and fair
business competition.
B. Energy
- Support efforts to achieve 100% renewable energy and a rapid
transition of fuels toward electric and other low-carbon fuel
C. Environmental Health and Justice
- Support legislation and funding that would improve,
streamline, and simplify waste management, including but not limited
to hazardous, medical, and universal waste, to ensure proper
training and handling, disaster and emergency readiness, and the
protection of natural resources and the public.
- Support efforts to improve, streamline and simplify the California Retail Food Code and related food safety laws to protect the public, provide flexibility to food facilities without compromising public health, and ensure effective regulation at the state and local level.
- Support legislative efforts for greater transparency around the community impacts of third-party food delivery platforms.
- Support legislation and/or funding
that would improve, streamline, or simplify regulations for
environmental health programs and protect the health and safety of
the public and natural resources.
- Support
legislation that would improve the County’s ability to limit
re-occupancy of a residence that has been determined to have been
used for Methamphetamine or Fentanyl laboratory activity until such
time as the property owner has performed the necessary clean-up and
mitigation for hazardous chemicals.
- Support
legislation that would provide full cost recovery for local
radiation health protection programs conducted under contract to
assist the State.
- Support legislation that provides
funding for environmental reporting information systems and funding
for the information exchange requirements or modifications that
require local data systems to be modified to connect and transmit
information to state’s data systems.
- Support state
and federal funding and efforts to address and eliminate untreated
sewage, trash, and sediment that originates from across the U.S.-
Mexico border.
- Support legislation that would
provide funding for surveillance, control, or outreach to limit the
spread of the invasive Aedes mosquitoes which are capable of
transmitting diseases, such as Zika, dengue and chikungunya.
- Support legislation that directs increased State Office of
Environmental Health Hazard Assessment testing of fish for the
presence of contaminants in coastal and inland waterbodies and/or
provides and provides funding for local public notification when
fish consumption is not safe.
- Support legislation
that bolsters stronger tribal partnerships to ensure a mindful
approach to fostering cross-governmental relationships and a mutual
awareness on matters and opportunities for the health and
well-being, quality of life, and sustainability of tribes throughout
the County.
D. Historical and Cultural Preservation
- Support legislation and funding for the preservation of
historical and cultural resources.
E. Land and Water Conservation Fund
- Support continued or increased funding for the Land and Water
Conservation Fund, including increases to the state and local share
of funding.
F. Offshore Oil Drilling – Outer Continental Shelf
- Oppose offshore oil drilling and/or efforts that would allow
offshore drilling off the coast of California.
- Support legislation and/or administrative action that provides
for petroleum-based monitoring of offshore oil drilling.
G. Parks and Recreation
- Support legislation and funding that would promote and protect
outdoor recreation, including but not limited to the development and
maintenance of parks and trails, construction of recreational
facilities, implementation of recreation programming, outdoor
education programs, and the preservation and restoration of natural
- Engage in legislation to ensure funding
streams for parks and recreation associated with the development of
housing are protected.
- Support legislation that
would expand the list of advisory panels established by the San
Diego River Conservancy to administer the San Diego Rivers Watershed
Consortium Program to include those watersheds not previously
- Seek state and federal grant funding for
the San Diego River Park trail completion.
H. Water Availability and Resources
- Support legislation and funding that would improve
affordability, availability and reliability of water, potable reuse,
and/or protect water resources in the region and throughout
- Support legislation and funding for
drought mitigation and response that would ensure flexible and
effective implementation at the local level, if applicable.
- Support legislation and funding that protects and restores
groundwater quality and quantity and streamlines approval of
groundwater recharge and stormwater capture projects.
I. Watershed Planning and Water Quality Management
- Support legislation that would provide funding for drainage
improvement, flood control and hazard mitigation projects, green
stormwater infrastructure, and related programs to protect life and
property from the impacts of flooding.
- Engage in
legislation and administrative actions that ensure water quality is
protected, and that federal, state, and local regulations,
requirements, and policies are aligned.
J. Wildlife Preservation – Habitat Protection
- Support legislation and funding for preservation,
conservation, and restoration efforts, including but not limited to
habitat conservation planning, land management, monitoring, and
maintenance activities, that protect biological and wildlife
- Support efforts to develop, implement,
and fund mitigation plans and/or projects to address the trash and
debris flowing downstream into the Tijuana River Valley.
VI. Transportation and Public Works
A. Airports
- Support legislation and funding for airport and aviation
programs that promote safe, secure, and efficient airport
operations, capital improvements, air traffic control, and planning
and development.
B. Regional Wastewater System Improvements
- Support legislation and funding to improve, streamline, and
simplify local wastewater systems, programs, projects, and related
wastewater management activities.
C. Solid Waste
- Support legislation and funding to improve, streamline, and
simplify solid waste planning, disposal, diversion, and recycling
D. Transportation
- Support legislation to improve, streamline, and simplify local
transportation planning, projects, and related activities, such as
maintenance, rehabilitation, and new construction.
- Support legislation that provides flexible, sufficient, and
equitable state or federal transportation funding, without affecting
funding sources of other county projects, and/or protects existing
state, federal and local transportation funding.
- Support State efforts to prevent suicides on the Coronado
bridge, as well as measures to address issues of speeding, debris,
guardrails, and wrong-way accidents.
- Oppose legislation that would impose a per vehicle mile traveled Road User Charge, or any other per mile charge.