Election Day is November 5. You can cast your ballot by mailing it, dropping it in an official ballot drop box or visiting a vote center near you.

Community Development Navigation
An overview of the community development programs we offer.  
Introduction to Community Development
Please take a look at our portfolio of current and completed projects.  
Community Development Project Portfolio
Our Community Development Block Grants provide funding for community improvements and projects that benefit low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.  
Community Development Block Grants also known as C D B G
The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) provides low-interest loans to developers of affordable housing. These funds may also be used to provide assistance to low-income home buyers.  
Home Investment Partnerships Program also known as HOME
The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) can be used by emergency shelter operators and other service providers for several activities such as renovating buildings, street outreach and rapid re-housing.  
Emergency Solutions Grant also known as E S G
The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program is used to create and fund housing and support services needed by low-income people living with HIV and AIDS or related diseases.  
Housing Opportunity for Persons With AIDS also known as HOPWA
Find programs and benefits for developers, an explanation of Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), and the developer incentive process.  
Developer Incentive Programs and NOFA