First 5 Commission of San Diego

The Commission was developed to help all children be healthy, cared for in strong and supportive environments, and able to enter school ready to learn. To achieve this goal, it works through advocacy, grant making, coordinating resources, and building community infrastructure to help families.
For more information phone 858-285-7710 or send us an email.
About the First 5 Commission of San Diego
The California Children and Families Act (Proposition 10) was passed by California voters in November 1998. This statewide ballot initiative added a 50-cent per pack tax on cigarettes, and a comparable tax on other tobacco products.
The revenue generated from the tax is used to fund education, health, and childcare programs that promote early childhood development from the prenatal period to age five.
Twenty percent of the revenue goes to the First 5 Commission of California for statewide leadership, policy development, and public education and outreach. Eighty percent of the revenue is allocated to local commissions based on the number of births within the county that the commission serves.
The Board of Supervisors established the San Diego County Children and Families Commission, later renamed the First 5 Commission of San Diego, in December of 1998 to implement Proposition 10 on a local level. The First 5 Commission consists of five members: a member of the Board of Supervisors, the Director of the County Health and Human Services Director (HHSA), an appointee of the Director of HHSA and two members appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The offices of the Commission are staffed by County personnel.
The First 5 Commission of San Diego works to achieve its vision through advocacy, funding of services, serving as a leader for coordinating and integrating resources, and building community capacity and infrastructure to support families. The Commission uses a five-year Strategic Plan, developed with extensive participation from local residents, to set priorities for how San Diego County's funds are allocated.
Visit the First 5 San Diego's expanded Web site at
Visit the State of California's First 5 Commission Web Site
For more information phone 858-285-7710 or send us an email.