About the Auditor and Controller

Controlling and Maximizing the Financial Resources of the County of San Diego 


Tracy Drager
Auditor and Controller


Mission Statement:

To provide superior financial services for the County of San Diego that ensure financial integrity, promote accountability in government, and maintain the public trust.

Organizational Structure


County Administration Center
5500 Overland Ave, Suite 470
San Diego, CA  92123
MailStop: O-53
Telephone: (858) 694-2176



Governed by the overriding principles of fiscal integrity, customer service, and continuous improvement, the Auditor and Controller has four primary responsibilities. First, in accordance with the County Charter and generally accepted accounting principles, the department maintains accounts for the financial transactions of all departments and of those agencies or special districts whose funds are kept in the County Treasury and provides reports necessary to manage the County operations. The department performs independent, objective, and cost-effective audit services. Also, the department furnishes customer focused financial decision-making support to the Board of Supervisors and the Chief Administrative Officer, and advances the goals and visions of the Board utilizing the General Management System and County's Strategic Plan. Finally, the department provides cost effective and efficient professional collections and accounts receivable management services to maximize recovery of monies due the County. We are the leading financial management resource of the County, and our long-term objective is to continue to broaden our role of controller into provider of value-added financial services.


DISCLAIMER: The following information is provided to you as a matter of convenience and speaks as of the end of the last period to which they relate. There may have been changes in the financial condition or affairs of the County of San Diego since then, the County of San Diego has not undertaken to update the financial statements, or such other documents.


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For more information email auditor@sdcounty.ca.gov