Standard Rates and Fees


Copy Fee (public records)
As allowed under the California Public Records Act, California Government Code §7922.530(a), the public should be charged for Copy fee per request unless a special rate has been approved by an ordinance for specific documents.

Paper Copy First/Single Page (one-sided) $0.25
Paper Copy First/Single Page (double-sided) $0.40
Paper Copy Multiple-page Document:
    First Page (one-sided) $0.25
    First Page (double-sided) $0.40
    Second and Subsequent Pages (one-sided) $0.05
    Second and Subsequent Pages (double-sided) $0.05
Scan First/Single Page (one-sided) $0.25
Scan First/Single Page (double-sided) $0.30
Scan Multiple-page Document:
    First Page (one-sided) $0.25
    First Page (double-sided) $0.30
    Second and Subsequent Pages (one-sided) $0.05
    Second and Subsequent Pages (double-sided) $0.05


DISCLAIMER: The following information is provided to you as a matter of convenience and speaks as of the end of the last period to which they relate. There may have been changes in the financial condition or affairs of the County of San Diego since then, the County of San Diego has not undertaken to update the financial statements, or such other documents.


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