Community Action Partnership Strategic Plan
The San Diego County Community Action Partnership (CAP) Strategic Plan serves as 5-year roadmap for the department, highlighting goals that support both the local vision ( Live Well San Diego) and the County of San Diego Strategic Plan, as well as the National Community Action Network Goals.
Vision: Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.
Mission: To create a sustainable, resilient, and equitable community that empowers the economically underserved to thrive through collaborative partnerships.
County of San Diego Strategic Initiative | County Strategic Goal | Alignment with HHSA Goal | Community Action Partnership Goal |
Sustainability | Resiliency: Ensure the capability to respond and recover to the immediate needs for individuals, families, and the region. | Promote a resilient economy, climate, environment, and region for all. |
Increase the number of low- income residents engaged in activities that improve the health, safety, and well-being of their communities
Community | Engagement: Inspire civic engagement by providing information, programs, public forums or other avenues that increase access for individuals or communities to use their voice, their vote, and their experience to impact change.
Safety: Support safety for all communities, including protection from crime, availability of emergency medical services and fire response, community preparedness, and regional readiness to respond to a disaster. | Strengthen and invigorate communities with opportunities to grow, connect, and thrive. | Ensure opportunities for civic engagement.
Support homelessness prevention efforts for high-risk and high-need populations. |
Equity | Health: Reduce disparities and disproportionality and ensure access for all through a fully optimized health and social service delivery system and upstream strategies.
Economic Opportunity: Advance opportunities for economic growth and development to all individuals and the community. | Equitable access to better health, safety, and opportunities to thrive that enhance well-being. |
Expand opportunities for low-income individuals, families, and communities to access healthy and affordable food.
Expand access to healthcare and health and wellness education for low-income individuals.
Increase the number of low-income individuals engaged in financial literacy and supportive services.
Provide opportunities for low-income individuals to obtain a living wage through training and employment opportunities.
Current 2023-28 CAP Strategic Plan: 2023-28 CAP Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan Updates: CAP
provides an Annual Strategic Plan Update to the Community
Action Board each year for the previous Calendar Year. Click
below to access CAP
Strategic Plan Updates