About Us

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What is CCS

The CCS Program provides diagnostic and treatment services, medical case management, social work assessments and intervention, as well as physical and occupational therapy services to children under age 21 with CCS eligible medical conditionsFor information regarding Case Management, visit our CCS Case Management Program page.


The CCS Program is administered as a partnership between San Diego County Public Health Services  (PHS) and the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). Currently, approximately 80 percent of San Diego County CCS eligible children are also Medi-Cal eligible. Medi-Cal pays for Medi-Cal recipients’ care.   


The cost of care for the other 20 percent of children is split between Straight CCS and CCS Optional Targeted Low Income Children Program (OTLICP). Care for Straight CCS Only clients is funded equally between the State and counties. The cost of care for CCS OTLICP is funded 88 percent by Federal Title XXI funds, six (6) percent State funds, and six (6) percent County funds.  


For information regarding services, visit our How to Apply page or please call (619) 528-4000.



History of CCS

The CCS Program was established in 1927 to help children obtain treatment of severe crippling deformities. CCS was originally known as Crippled Children’s Services. The name was later changed in 1978. In 1935, federal legislation mandated coverage for children with special health care needs as part of Title V of the Social Security Act.  The legislation was prompted by the polio epidemic, during which many families became financially debilitated due to their children’s serious illnesses. 

In 1945, the CCS Medical Therapy Program was established in partnership with the CA Department of Education to provide rehabilitation services to children with orthopedic defects associated with cerebral palsy on public school sites. The Budget Act of 1961 expanded MTP eligibility to other neuromuscular and musculoskeletal conditions. The Crown Act in 1968 established County responsibility for administering MTP sites in public school settings. 

AB 948, the realignment legislation passed in 1992, mandated that the State and county CCS programs share in the cost of providing specialized medical care and rehabilitation to physically handicapped children. State legislation enacted in 1994 “carved out” CCS services for children enrolled in most Medi-Cal managed care plans, this means specialty care for CCS patients are paid on a fee-for-service basis. In 2016, Senate Bill (SB) 586 authorized the State to establish the Whole Child Model (WCM) program in designated counties and incorporate CCS covered services into a Medi-Cal managed care plan (MCP) contract.


Legislative Authority

Enabling legislation of the CCS program:  

Health and Safety Code, Section 123800 et seq. is the enabling statute for the CCS program. The explicit legislative intent of the CCS program is to provide necessary medical services for children with CCS medically eligible conditions whose parents are unable to pay for these services. The statute also requires the DHCS and the county CCS program to seek eligible children by cooperating with local public or private agencies and providers of medical care to bring potentially eligible children to sources of expert diagnosis and treatment.  


The CCS program is mandated by the Welfare and Institutions Code and the California Code of Regulations (Title 22, Section 51013) to act as an “agent of Medi-Cal” for Medi-Cal beneficiaries with CCS medically eligible conditions. Medi-Cal is required to refer all CCS-eligible clients to CCS for case management services and authorization for treatment. The statute also requires all CCS applicants who may be eligible for the Medi-Cal program to apply for Medi-Cal.


Contact Us

California Children's Services  

6160 Mission Gorge Rd Ste 400  

San Diego, CA 92120  

Phone: (619) 528-4000  

Fax: (858) 514-6514    


Volunteer with CCS

Are you interested in entering the Health Care Field to become a Physical or Occupational Therapist?  We would love for you to volunteer with us to learn more about this great profession.

Please send us an email and we will respond with current volunteer opportunities.


Interested in a job with CCS?   Current opportunities to join our team will be listed in our government job                                                      postings.


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