Countywide progress of Outreach / Engagement, Treatment and Housing of homeless individuals with SMI.
If you have a behavioral health EMERGENCY, please call 9-1-1.

Project One For All is an extensive effort by the County of San Diego and its partners to provide intensive wraparound services, including mental health counseling and housing, to homeless individuals with serious mental illness.
If you need help, or know of someone who is in need, help is available:
Call 2-1-1 San Diego
They are first in line for
connecting you with agencies that can help. By dialing 2-1-1 San
Diego, you will be provided with a list of services and referrals
for mental health issues and housing agencies.
211 San Diego.org
The County of San Diego Behavioral Health Services
By providing mental health, alcohol and other drug services,
Behavioral Health Services promotes recovery and well-being through
prevention, treatment, and intervention, as well as integrated
services for clients experiencing both mental illness and alcohol or
other drug issues. Services are offered through contracted providers
and County-operated facilities.
County of San Diego BHS
To reach the Access and Crisis Line, call 1-888-724-7240.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
national organization, NAMI holds local meetings and has information
and networking for homeless individuals with serious mental
illnesses. NAMI is dedicated to raising awareness, providing support
and building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by
mental illness.
Housing Matters San Diego
Housing Matters San Diego
informs the community about supportive housing integrated with
mental health services, primary health care, alcohol and drug
services, case management and social services.

Project One For All
Learn more about Project One For All:
- Outreach efforts
- County Board of Supervisors "Calls to Action"
- Important statistics
Please see: Project One For All / Information