Community Outreach

Community Outreach


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Our goal is to make homes and communities safe, healthy and thriving.
A thriving community is one that promotes the diverse strengths and cultures in the region.


  • On the 3rd Wednesday of every odd-numbered month the Joint City/County HIV Housing Committee meets at 10:00 am at the County Operations Center, 5560 Overland Ave, Room 171, San Diego CA 92123. Call 619-694-7234 for more information.
  • The Regional Taskforce on the Homeless Board meets monthly. For more information go to their website or call (858) 694-4804.

Contact Us

General Information: (858) 694-4801

FAX: (858) 467-9713
TDD: (800) 735-2929
Toll Free: (877) 478-5478