Housing and Community Development Services News

Landlords Needed to Rent to Veterans and Other Homeless People
The County Health and Human Services Agency’s Housing and Community Development Services is looking for landlords willing to rent to veterans and other people experiencing homelessness. Rorick Luepton is the landlord liaison with the County Health and Human Services Agency’s Housing and Community Development Services, and he is looking for landlords willing to rent to veterans and other people experiencing homelessness. Read more.

Grants Available to Improve Neighborhoods
The County of San Diego will once again be providing funds to people wishing to improve their neighborhoods.
The monies come from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), a federal flexible program that gives communities resources to address a wide variety of unique community development needs. Applications are being accepted now through Oct. 27, 2017. Read more.
Grant Breathes New Life Into Aging Home
One Poway resident wasn’t sure where to turn when home repairs began to build up. He found a solution in a program that offers loans and grants to help with these fixes - The Home Repair Loans and Grants Program, administered by the County of San Diego Housing and Community Development Services.
There are specific requirements with this program; to see if you qualify, please call (858) 694-4847 or visit Home Repair Loans and Grants Program.
Learn more - watch the video:
Important Draft PHA plan comments due by March 27, 2017

Give a voice to the Homeless –
join WeAllCount
WeAllCount - San Diego’s Point-In-Time Count – is the annual
homeless census that helps us understand the scope of homelessness
in our region, so that we can improve our programs and services to
end homelessness.
Learn more about
WeAllCount and the Regional Task Force on the Homeless

County Integrates HHSA, Housing Department
County of San Diego officials announced a significant organizational change to fully integrate health, human services and housing.
The change will move Housing and Community Development Services into the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), which will further support the County’s efforts to address the needs of vulnerable residents, particularly homeless people with severe mental illnesses. Read more.

Regional Effort to Revise Federal Funding Formula for Homeless Services
On May 17, 2016, HCD hosted a meeting of elected officials, local service providers, educators, funders and the media to coordinate a regional response to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's public comment period on the federal funding formula for homeless services.
The decades-old formula puts San Diego at a disadvantage by underfunding critical programs. In 2015, the San Diego region was 4th in the number of homeless and 22nd in ranking for overall homeless funding.
Housing Program Gets Veterans Off the Streets
More than 500 homeless veterans have found hope thanks to the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing program, or VASH. Watch the story of one veteran who has a new start. The rental assistance program needs more landlords. If you’re interested, call 858-694-4808.

Program Integrity Conference at HCDS!
We recently hosted more than 40 representatives from Public Housing Authorities across Southern California, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and HUD’s Office of Inspector General, for our 2nd Annual Program Integrity Conference. Guest speakers from the County Office of Ethics and Compliance and the California Department of Justice Office of the Attorney General shared tips on conducting program investigations and promoting program integrity. The group talked about tools, available resources, best practices to ensure compliance in rental assistance programs, and good stewardship of valuable public resources.
Learn more about our program integrity efforts: youtube.com.

We produce several newsletters in the spring and fall of each year. Here are the current newsletters:
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher - Renter Newsletter
If you would like more information on a specific news item, please contact us:
General Information: (858) 694-4801