Electric Vehicle Roadmap - Goal 6
Collaborate with regional partners to support public and private fleet electrification
Targeted Outcome
Increase electric vehicle (EV) use in regional light-, medium-, and heavy-duty fleets.

The County collaborates with State and local agencies, private businesses, and other regional partners to advocate for the electrification of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty fleets within the region. In addition, the County coordinates with a regional working group, the Accelerate to Zero Emissions Collaboration, to:
- Monitor existing pilot programs and identify future programs to electrify regional fleets.
- Evaluate fleet opportunities within the unincorporated county and conduct targeted outreach in collaboration with regional partners.
- Evaluate charging infrastructure placement to ensure grid stability and resiliency.
- Identify gaps in EV adoption and consider ride share EV fleets to make this technology more accessible, especially to priority populations in the region.
- Promote clean transportation innovations to demonstrate leadership and attract investment in future charging and vehicle technologies.
- The County continues collaboration with SANDAG, SDG&E, San Diego County Air Pollution Control District, and the City of San Diego on the Accelerate to Zero Emissions Regional Collaboration (A2Z Collaboration). The A2Z Collaboration has also expanded the partnership to include additional agency support, industry experts, and other interested stakeholders.
- In July 2021, the A2Z
Collaboration published a Regional EV Gap Analysis that identifies the
projected demand for zero-emission vehicle infrastructure that will
be needed to support regionwide growth in clean vehicles.
- The Regional EV Gap Analysis won the American Planning Association (APA) San Diego Chapter 2022 Environmental Planning Award and the APA California Chapter Award of Merit for the 2022 Innovation in Green Community Planning Award.
- In 2022, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and County were awarded a Caltrans Planning Grant to conduct research and plan for the development of a Zero Emission Vehicles Incentive Program that will offer rebates to purchase zero-emission vehicles for low- and moderate-income residents throughout the region.
- In 2023,
the A2Z Collaboration published the San
Diego Zero Emissions Vehicle Strategy (ZEV Strategy). The ZEV
Strategy presents 10 strategies to address ZEV adoption and
deployment strategies outlined in the Regional EV Gap Analysis.
- The County received a 2022 National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award under the County Resiliency category for its work on the GAP Analysis and developing the EV Strategy.