
DPW received four 2017 National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Awards


The first award, in the Transportation Category, was for the Pedestrian Gap Analysis, which is an effective tool to help promote healthy choices by removing barriers to healthy living by providing the information needed to pursue and justify the funding of pedestrian improvements. Part of making healthy choices is to make it easier for residents to engage in healthy activities. PGA identifies locations where new sidewalks are needed based on GIS data and ranked of their importance to the community.


The second award, in the Information Technology Category, went to DPW’s Watershed Protection Program for the development of the Mobile Stormwater Inspection Application. Advantages include: access to real-time inspection data, photo documentation of compliance status, email of completed inspections to customers from the field, integration with the existing enterprise data management system, and smart maps to pinpoint sites due for inspection. Customers now receive inspection results more quickly and data is more accurate. The app is a significant new tool, improving the efficiency of the County’s stormwater inspection program and required permit. 

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The third award, also in the Transportation Category, went to DPW’s Multi-year Resurfacing Program which is used to prioritize County road resurfacing projects in a transparent way based on extensive community and public input. Surface treatments can range from a simple slurry seal to a more significant undertaking such as removal and replacement of an entire asphalt section, depending on road surface conditions. Done properly and at the appropriate time, road resurfacing extends the service life of County-maintained roads. This effort will reduce premature damage to roads and improve service life of pavements. The multi-year program was placed on the County’s webpage with an interactive GIS layer to benefit customers.


The fourth award, also in the Information Technology Category, was for DPW’s work on the LUEG Enterprise Asset Management System (LEAMS), which will help DPW manage its numerous assets.  Previously, a paper work order was created and completed in the field. Information was then entered into a work order system for time keeping and into a separate spreadsheet for asset management. LEAMS, a paperless system, reduced the time it takes to respond and record work orders, enabling staff to be more productive, as they no longer have to input redundant information.