Election Day is November 5. You can cast your ballot by mailing it, dropping it in an official ballot drop box or visiting a vote center near you.

Solid Waste Planning and Recycling

The County of San Diego Recycling Section aims to preserve precious landfill space, conserve natural resources, save water and energy, decrease pollution, increase jobs, and strengthen the economy. The County of San Diego Recycles. It’s In Our Nature!

Latest News

  • Join us in Borrego Springs on Saturday, October 26 for the Unincorporated Residential Cleanup Event at American Legion Post 853 (4515 Borrego Springs Rd, Borrego Springs) from 8am-12pm or until capacity is reached. Restrictions apply. See flyer for details. 
  • Learn where your recyclables go and why it matters in the County's newsletter, Recycling Works...but Needs You!
  • State law and County ordinance require all residents and businesses to recycle. Non-compliant properties will soon be automatically enrolled in recycling service by their haulers along with the additional cost for these services. For more details, please see our FAQ webpage.
  • The County of San Diego Board of Supervisors unanimously approved updates to the Non-Exclusive Franchise Agreement and Solid Waste Ordinance on May 5, 2021. These updates will help the County achieve its sustainability goals of progressively diverting solid waste from landfills and achieving an 80% waste diversion by 2030, while also aligning with state laws, AB 1826, AB 827, and SB 1383. Learn more here.
  • The County of San Diego is accepting applications to become a Construction and Demolition Franchised Hauler and a Certified Recyclable Materials CollectorLearn more.


Recycling Programs

Have a recycling question? Email Recycle@sdcounty.ca.gov or call: