Transportation Division
Murali Pasumarthi, Deputy Director
With crews in bright orange vests, shirts and hats, the Roads Section is the most visible part of DPW, responding to requests for services ranging from pothole repair to tree trimming. DPW road crews also work year round clearing storm channels and drains, and repairing or replacing culverts preparing for the winter rains. When the storms dump snow in the mountains you can find them, often around the clock, operating snow plows, motor graders and sanders to keep our mountain roads safe and passable.

County of San Diego, DPW Transportation Division
5510 Overland Ave, Suite 410, San Diego, CA 92123
Traffic Engineering uses resident input, engineering judgment and tools such as signs, striping, traffic calming, and traffic signals to support and maintain a safe and efficient road system for motorists, bicyclists, equestrians, and pedestrians.
County Airports include eight unique facilities scattered throughout the area. Ramona Airport is home to the busiest aerial firefighting base in the USA and the County Sheriff’s air force, ASTREA, is based at Gillespie Field.
The Transportation Division provides services to promote safe, viable, and livable communities and make it easier for residents to lead healthy lives.
VIDEO: Making Your Ride a Little Smoother
The life of a pothole is a short one in San Diego County with DPW Working for You
DPW - Working For You