The Science Behind Composting: Micro and Macro Decomposers
Although composting may seem like magic, it is actually a controlled form of a natural process called decomposition. Decomposition is carried out by a plethora of organisms referred to as the FBI (fungi, bacteria, and insects). Micro-organisms are those that are too small to see with our eyes, such as bacteria. Alternatively, macro-organisms are those that we can see such as insects and worms. Did you know that a handful of compost contains more decomposer organisms than there are people on the planet? Let’s meet some of the team!

Micro-organisms do most of the decomposition work, these include:
- Single celled organisms: bacteria, protozoa, and yeasts
- Multicellular bacteria and fungi: mold and actinomycetes
- Thermophilic bacteria: heat-loving bacteria
- Microscopic animals: rotifera and nematodes

Macro-decomposers usually enter the compost pile from the surrounding landscape in the later stages of decomposition and include:
- Insects: beetles, ants, earwigs, and flies
- Arthropods: millipedes, springtails, mites, woodlice, pseudoscorpions
- Other invertebrates: earthworms, pot worms, slugs, and snails