Project Finalization
- No later than 180 days after the County issues a passed final
inspection notice or a Certificate of Occupancy, the permittee or
the permittee’s Approved Collector if the Approved Collector
Compliance Method is chosen is required to submit a final Debris
Management Report (DMR) along with supporting recycling and trash
receipts from facilities or other supporting proof, as evidence of
meeting diversion requirements. The final DMR and all receipts along
with other evidence of diversion can be submitted via:
- Email to
- Mailed
County of San Diego
Solid Waste Planning and Recycling
ATTN: C&D Recycling Coordinator
5510 Overland Ave. Ste. 210 MS O-350
San Diego, CA 92123 - Or submitted in-person at the Cartographic counter on the second floor of the address listed above.
- The County will review the DMR, corresponding receipts and other proof of diversion and determine the level of compliance with diversion requirements. County staff will contact permittee with any questions.
- The County, based on the report and receipts, will refund the full or pro-rated performance guarantee as applicable with the recycling rate of the project within 30 days of receipt of the DMR.
Debris Management Report (DMR) - ( Excel / PDF )
Recycling Receipt Template
Have a recycling question? Email or call: