Fueling Facilities

Preventing runoff from fueling activities from entering our streets and storm drains helps protect our waterways from pollution! All sources of pollution, including runoff from fueling activities, are prohibited from leaving your property and entering streets or storm drains. Only rainwater is allowed in the streets and storm drains.
Did you know…
Gas and other fuels from service stations are a risk to the health of our water quality if not carefully maintained.
Runoff from these facilities can include pollutants such as trash, heavy metals (copper, zinc and lead), hydrocarbons (oil and grease) and toxic chemicals (benzene).
These chemicals not only pose a threat to aquatic life but also have the potential to contaminate drinking water supplies.
What can I do?
Manage waste thoughtfully: Gasoline, diesel, antifreeze and other automotive fluids must be contained on site, stored out of the elements to avoid run off and disposed of via an authorized disposal services such as San Diego County’s Small Business Hazardous Waste Disposal program.
- Develop Best Management Practices (BMPs) for your business: BMPs are techniques or controls used to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants, such as oil, antifreeze, and solvents, into the storm drain system. BMPs for a refueling facility could include good housekeeping, spill prevention measures and comprehensive training for employees.
Want to learn more?
The resources below provide suggested BMPs and further information
on how to protect our waterways. Click the buttons to view available

Know before you go…
Dry methods, such as using cloth rags, should be used to clean up spills.
If you would like to report a fueling facility discharge concern, have questions about our program, or would like additional information call the County Storm Drain Pollution hotline at: 1(888) 846-0800 or e-mail us at watersheds@sdcounty.ca.gov
Thank you for doing your part to protect our waterways!