Epidemiology Unit
Clinical Laboratory Reporting and Specimen Submission Guidelines
For more information, contact the Epidemiology Unit at 619-692-8499.
Note: This webpage describes the laboratory reporting requirements contained in the California Code of Regulations Title 17, including Section 2505, as well as local requirements for submitting specimens and laboratory test results suggestive of specified diseases of public health importance to the local health department. Laboratory findings for these diseases are those that satisfy the most recent communicable disease surveillance case definitions established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (unless otherwise specified in this section). All laboratory notifications are acquired in confidence. The confidentiality of patient information is always protected.
The list of reportable diseases is available for download by clicking this link Reportable Conditions: Notification by Laboratories (PDF).
Section 2505 (a) To assist the health officer, the laboratory director, or the laboratory director’s designee, of a clinical laboratory, an approved public health laboratory or a veterinary laboratory in which a laboratory examination of any specimen derived from the human body (or from an animal, in the case of specified diseases) yields microscopical, cultural, immunological, serological, or other evidence suggestive of those diseases listed in subsections (e)(1) and (e)(2) below, shall report such findings to the health officer of the local health jurisdiction where the health care provider who first submitted the specimen is located.
Laboratory reports must be made in writing and give the following information:
- Date the specimen was obtained
- Patient identification number
- Specimen accession number or other unique specimen identifier
- Laboratory findings for the test performed
- Date that any positive laboratory findings were identified
- Name, gender, address, telephone number (if known), and date of birth of the patient
- Name, address, and telephone number of the health care provider who ordered the test
Send laboratory reports to the Epidemiology Unit via fax 858-715-6458 or electronic laboratory reporting.
These laboratory findings are reportable to the local health officer of the health jurisdiction where the health care provider who first submitted the specimen is located within one (1) hour (List (e)(1) diseases) or within one (1) working day (List (e)(2) diseases) from the time that the laboratory notifies that health care provider or other person authorized to receive the report. If the laboratory that makes the positive finding received the specimen from another laboratory, the laboratory making the positive finding shall notify the local health officer of the jurisdiction in which the health care provider is located within the time specified above from the time the laboratory notifies the referring laboratory that submitted the specimen. If the laboratory is an out-of-state laboratory, the California laboratory that receives a report of such findings shall notify the local health officer in the same way as if the finding had been made by the California laboratory.
Whenever the specimen, or an isolate there from, is transferred between laboratories, a test requisition with the patient and submitter information shall accompany the specimen. The laboratory that first receives a specimen shall be responsible for obtaining the patient and submitter information at the time the specimen is received by that laboratory.
The notification for List (e)(1) diseases shall be reported by telephone within one (1) hour, followed by a written report submitted by electronic facsimile transmission or electronic mail within one (1) working day, to the local health officer in the jurisdiction where the health care provider who submitted the specimen is located.
(e)(1) Notification within 1 hour
Report to Public Health Services
Within 1 hour:
Call the Epidemiology Unit at 619-692-8499
After Hours 858-565-5255
Within 1 day:
Fax the Epidemiology Unit at 858-715-6458
Disease/Microorganism | Submit to Public Health Lab |
Anthrax, animal (B. anthracis) | n/a |
Anthrax, human (B. anthracis) | suspect isolate |
Botulism | serum |
Brucellosis, human (all Brucella spp.) | suspect isolate |
Burkholderia pseudomallei and B. mallei (detection or isolation from a clinical specimen) | suspect isolate |
Influenza, novel strains (human) | respiratory specimen in VTM |
Plague, animal | n/a |
Plague, human | suspect isolate |
Smallpox (Variola) | scab, scab fluid, dry/wet swab of lesion |
Tularemia, human (F. tularensis) | suspect isolate |
Viral hemorrhagic fever agent,
human (VHF), (e.g., Crimean-Congo, Ebola, Lassa, and Marburg viruses) | serum |
Whenever a laboratory receives a specimen for the laboratory diagnosis of a suspected human case of one of these List (e)(1) diseases, such laboratory shall communicate immediately by telephone with the Microbial Diseases Laboratory 510-412-3700 (or, for Influenza, novel strains, Smallpox or Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers, with the Viral and Rickettsial Disease Laboratory 510-307-8585) of the California Department of Public Health for instruction. The laboratory should also immediately contact the San Diego County Public Health Laboratory 619-692-8500.
The notification for List (e)(2) diseases shall be submitted by courier, mail, electronic facsimile transmission or electronic mail within one (1) working day to the local health officer in the jurisdiction where the health care provider who submitted the specimen is located.
(e)(2) Notification within 1 working day
Report to Public Health Services
Provide the following:
Within 1 day:
Disease/Microorganism | Submit to Public Health Lab |
Acid-fast bacillus** | n/a |
Anaplasmosis | n/a |
Bordetella pertussis | n/a |
Borrelia burgdorferi | n/a |
Brucellosis, animal (Brucella spp. except Brucella canis) | n/a |
Campylobacteriosis (Campylobacter spp.) (detection or isolation from a clinical specimen) | n/a |
Chancroid | n/a |
Coccidioidomycosis | n/a |
Cryptosporidiosis | n/a |
Cyclosporiasis (Cyclospora cayetenensis) | n/a |
Dengue (dengue virus) | serum |
Diphtheria | n/a |
Encephalitis, arboviral | n/a |
Escherichia coli: shiga toxin producing (STEC), including E. coli O157 | isolate, broth |
Ehrlichiosis | n/a |
Giardiasis (Giardia lamblia, intestinalis, or duodenalis) | n/a |
Haemophilus influenzae (report an incident of less than 15 years of age, from sterile site) | n/a |
Hantavirus Infections | serum |
Hepatitis A, acute infection | n/a |
Hepatitis B, acute or chronic infection (specify gender) | n/a |
Hepatitis C, acute or chronic infection | n/a |
Hepatitis D (Delta), acute or chronic infection | n/a |
Hepatitis E, acute infection (detection of hepatitis E virus RNA from a clinical specimen or positive serology) | n/a |
Legionellosis (Legionella spp.) (antigen or culture) | n/a |
Leprosy (Hansen Disease) (Mycobacterium leprae) | n/a |
Leptospirosis (Leptospira spp.) | n/a |
Listeriosis (Listeria) | isolate |
Malaria** | blood film slide, EDTA blood tube |
Measles (Rubeola), acute infection | serum, urine, NP |
Mumps (mumps virus), acute infection | serum |
Neisseria meningitidis (sterile site isolate) | CSF, EDTA blood tube, isolate |
Poliovirus | n/a |
Psittacosis (Chlamydophila psittaci) | n/a |
Q Fever (Coxiella burnetii) | whole blood and serum |
Rabies, animal or human | n/a |
Relapsing Fever (Borrelia spp.) (identification of Borrelia spp. spirochetes on peripheral blood smear) | n/a |
Rickettsia, any species, acute infection (detection from a clinical specimen or positive serology) | n/a |
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Rickettsia rickettsii) | n/a |
Rubella, acute infection | n/a |
Salmonellosis (Salmonella spp.) | isolate |
Shiga toxin (detected in feces) | broth, feces |
Shigellosis (Shigella spp.) | isolate |
Trichinosis (Trichinella) | n/a |
Tularemia, animal (F. tularensis) | n/a |
Typhoid | isolate |
Vibrio cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, Vibrio if unable to speciate | isolate |
West Nile virus infection | CSF, serum |
Yellow Fever (yellow fever virus) | serum |
Yersiniosis (Yersinia spp., non-pestis) (isolation from a clinical specimen) | isolate |
Report to Public Health Services
Within 1 day:
Fax to STD Program 619-692-8541
Disease/Microorganism | Submit to Public Health Lab |
Chlamydia trachomatis infections, including Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV) | n/a |
Gonorrhea | See Local Requests |
Syphilis | n/a |
Report to Public Health Services
Within 1 day:
Fax to TB Program 619-692-5516
Disease/Microorganism | Submit to Public Health Lab |
Mycobacterium tuberculosis** (see additional requirements for drug susceptibility testing and reporting) | isolate |
**See additional instructions in the ADDITIONAL REPORTING
n/a=not applicable
The County of San Diego requests that clinical laboratories also report the following:
Local Requests
Report to Public Health Services
Within 1 day:
Fax to STD Program 619-692-8541
Disease/Microorganism | Submit to Public Health Lab |
Quinilone-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoae | isolate |
Any clinical laboratory that makes a finding of malaria
parasites in the blood film of a patient shall immediately submit one
or more such blood film slides (and EDTA blood tube, if possible) for
confirmation to the local public health laboratory for the local
health jurisdiction where the health care provider is located. When
requested, all blood films will be returned to the submitter.
California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Section 2612 requires
that a culture of the organisms on which a diagnosis of salmonellosis
is established must be submitted to the local public health laboratory
and then to the State's Microbial Diseases Laboratory for definitive identification.
Any laboratory that isolates Mycobacterium tuberculosis
from a patient specimen must submit a culture to the local public
health laboratory for the local health jurisdiction in which the
health care provider’s office is located as soon as available from the
primary isolate on which a diagnosis of tuberculosis was established.
The information listed under “HOW TO REPORT” below must be submitted
with the culture. The San Diego County Public Health Laboratory
shall retain the culture received (one culture from each
culture-positive patient) in a viable condition for at least six months.
Unless drug susceptibility testing has been performed by the clinical laboratory on a strain obtained from the same patient within the previous three months or the health care provider who submitted the specimen for laboratory examination informs the laboratory that such drug susceptibility testing has been performed by another laboratory on a culture obtained from that patient within the previous three months, the clinical laboratory must do the following:
- Perform or refer for drug susceptibility testing on at least one
isolate from each patient from whom Mycobacterium
tuberculosis was isolated,
- Report the results
of drug susceptibility testing to the local health officer of the
city or county where the submitting physician’s office is located
within one (1) working day from the time the health care
provider or other authorized person who submitted the specimen is
notified, and
- If the drug susceptibility testing determines the culture to be resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampin, in addition, submit one culture or subculture from each patient from whom multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated to the local public health laboratory. The San Diego County Public Health Laboratory shall forward such cultures to the CDPH Microbial Disease Laboratory.
Whenever a clinical laboratory finds that a specimen from a patient with known or suspected tuberculosis tests positive for acid-fast bacillus (AFB) staining and the patient has not had a culture which identifies that acid-fast organism within the past 30 days, the clinical laboratory shall culture and identify the acid fast bacteria or refer a subculture to another laboratory for those purposes.
The following information should be submitted with the specimen:
- Name, address, and date of birth of the person from whom the specimen was obtained
- Patient identification number
- Specimen accession number or other unique specimen identifier
- Date the specimen was obtained from the patient
- Name, address, and telephone number of the health care provider who ordered the test
- Appropriate form (see
Form List)
- A legible copy of a laboratory report containing all of the above information is satisfactory if you do not have the correct form.
- Special forms are required to be
submitted for testing of the following diseases:
- Avian Influenza
- Botulism
- Hantavirus
- Influenza (Seasonal and 2009 Pandemic H1N1)
- Hepatitis E
- Malaria
- Smallpox
- West Nile Virus
- To
obtain forms:
- Contact the San Diego County Public Health Laboratory at (619) 692-8500.
Morbidity Report
Adult C. botulinum Toxin Detection
Laboratory Request and Final Report Form
Avian Influenza A
(H5N1) Submittal Form
Bacterial Culture for Identification
Blood Lead Request Form
CDC DASH Form 50.34
Chlamydia/Gonorrhea Examination Form
Examination Form (Juvenile Hall)
Clinical Laboratory Request
Enteric Culture Form
Gonorrhea Culture Requisition
Hepatitis Serology Form
HIV Court Order Form
HIV-1 Antibody Test Request Form
Influenza Virus Culture Request
Influenza Virus PCR Requisition Form (Seasonal and 2009
Pandemic H1N1)
Interfering Substances with Botulism
Lab Supply Request Form – LAB (P1)
Examiner Submittal Form
Molecular Test Request Form
Mycobacteria (TB) CI Form
Mycobacteria (TB) Culture Form
Mycology CI Form
Parasitology Requisition Form
In-tube Lab Request Form
Serologic Examination Form
Smallpox Sample Submission Form
Submittal Form for Methicillin
Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates
Serology Form
Virus Isolation Request Form
West Nile Virus
Specimen Submittal Form
All specimens submitted to the San Diego County Public Health Laboratory must comply with all applicable U.S. Postal Service, DOT or IATA requirements (i.e., packaged, labeled and documented, as per applicable regulations).
Laboratory Telephone Number: | (619) 692-8500 |
Laboratory FAX Number: | (619) 692-8558 |
Mailing Address (w/ Mail Stop): | San Diego County
Public Health Laboratory 3851 Rosecrans Street, Suite 716 San Diego, CA 92110-3115 MS P572 |
Reportable Diseases and Conditions
Reportable Conditions: Notification by Laboratories
of San Diego Public Health Laboratory
of San Diego Epidemiology Unit
Page last updated 6/24/2022