Epidemiology Unit


Data and Reports


Five-Year Table of Reportable Diseases and Conditions

This data table, updated annually, provides case counts by year of reportable diseases and conditions in San Diego County.


Annual Communicable Disease Reports 

These reports provide an overview of select communicable diseases reported to the Epidemiology and Immunization Services Branch.  

Monthly Communicable Disease Reports  

These reports provide monthly and year-to-date counts of select communicable diseases reported to the Epidemiology and Immunization Services Branch. Each month, the report also includes a feature article on a different topic.

Communicable Disease Report

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the Monthly Communicable Disease Report



Respiratory Virus Surveillance Reports

Subscribe to the Influenza Watch
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For more information, contact the Epidemiology Unit at (619) 692-8499 or send us an e-mail.