Urban Agriculture Incentive Zones
POD 15-008
Project Contact: PDS.LongRangePlanning@sdcounty.ca.gov | (858) 505-6677

Board of Supervisors Hearing:
On February 26, and March 11, 2020 the County Board of Supervisors established the Urban Agriculture Incentives Zones (UAIZ) Program for the unincorporated areas.

The application for Urban Agriculture Incentive Zones can be found here. The County Board of Supervisors waived UAIZ application fees. Please contact staff for additional information.
To find out if your property is eligible for the Urban Agriculture Incentive Zones Program, you can search by location or Assessor Parcel Number (APN), please click here.

On November 14, 2018, the Board of Supervisors directed staff to establish an Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone ordinance within the unincorporated areas of the County.
Project Purpose:
California Assembly Bill No. 551 - Urban Agriculture Incentive Zones Act, authorizes counties and/or cities to establish Urban Agriculture Incentive Zones whereby the county or city and a landowner can enter into a contract for small-scale production of agricultural crops in exchange for a potential property tax benefit.
The property owner voluntarily enters into a contract with the county for a minimum of 5 years in length. While under contract, the property owner pays property taxes based on the assessed agricultural value of the property, which can offer substantial savings.
To be eligible for the program, the property shall be located within an urbanized census area; be between 0.1 and 3.0 acres in size; vacant, unimproved, or have only non-residential structures; and be fully dedicated to agriculture.
This enabling legislation promotes and protects agricultural uses and recognizes the public benefit of agriculture for ecological, public health, sociological and community benefits.
The UAIZ program does not change the Zoning, nor the General Plan designation.