Updated Options to Comply with Senate Bill 743 and Implement Vehicle Miles Traveled in Local Planning and Environmental Review
Background Information and Purpose of Public Review
As directed by the Board on February 9, 2022, staff have prepared a revised Transportation Study Guide (TSG) for VMT that establishes a VMT threshold using the regional average, which includes the entire San Diego region, including the incorporated cities. The Board also directed staff to identify Infill and General Plan Village areas within or near potential “transit opportunity areas” where no VMT analysis or mitigation would be required, excluding any areas designated as High and Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones. Projects located within infill areas would not have to analyze VMT or propose mitigation for VMT but would require environmental review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for other topic areas.
The Board also directed that the previously prepared Local Mobility Analysis for discretionary projects would be used to evaluate road operations, safety, and access. This has been reduced from the previous type of traffic analysis done based on Level of Service prior to the implementation of SB 743, the law requiring VMT analysis, in that the area evaluated is limited to a few intersections around the project with the primary focus of safety and not traffic.
Staff will be conducting outreach leading up to and during the public review of the TSG and are available to meet and answer any questions you may have regarding VMT or the TSG. Stakeholders who wish to request a meeting with County staff, can contact Bruno Cavalieri at bruno.galvaocavalieri@sdcounty.ca.gov or 619-323-8864. Staff will also be holding a public meeting regarding the TSG on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 6PM, at the County Operations Center Chambers, 5520 Overland Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123.
Comments on the revised Transportation Study Guide must be received no later than June 13, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. (a 30 day public review period). These documents can also be reviewed at the PDS, Project Processing Counter, 5510 Overland Avenue, Suite 110, San Diego, CA 92123. For additional information, please contact Bruno Cavalieri at bruno.galvaocavalieri@sdcounty.ca.gov or 619-323-8864. Please reference the public review of the County’s revised Transportation Study Guide in your voicemail or email.
Project Contact: Bruno Galvao Cavalieri | bruno.galvaocavalieri@sdcounty.ca.gov | (619) 323-8864

PUBLIC REVIEW (May 6, 2022 - June 13, 2022)
Notice of Intent to Adopt Updated Transportation Study Guide
Draft Updated County of San Diego Transportation Study Guidelines
Draft SB743 Interactive Mapping Tool (Updated 5/25/22)
County of San Diego SB743 Website
Meeting Information:
Staff will be holding an in-person public meeting regarding the TSG on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 6PM, at the County Operations Center Chambers, 5520 Overland Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123.
Staff will be hosting a virtual meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 6PM:
June 1, 2022 Workshop Powerpoint Slides
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