Election Day is November 5. You can cast your ballot by mailing it, dropping it in an official ballot drop box or visiting a vote center near you.

Tobacco Control Resource Program


The Tobacco Control Resource Program (TCRP) is part of the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), Public Health Services. The TCRP works with community partners across the county to reduce tobacco-related death and disability by:

  • Prevent tobacco use;
  • Stop secondhand smoke exposure; and
  • Sharing quitting Connecting people to resources to help them quit.

To learn more about local tobacco control efforts, contact us at 619-692-5514 or tobacco@sdcounty.ca.gov.


The County of San Diego's Tobacco Control Resource Program is supported by Live Well San Diego, creating a region that is Building Better Health, Living Safely, and Thriving. For more information, visit LiveWellSD.org©2024. California Department of Public Health. Funded under contract #CTCP-21-37.                                                  

Webpage last updated 7/30/2023.