Ivanhoe Ranch

PDS2018-GPA-18-005, PDS2018-REZ-18-004, PDS2018-TM-5629, PDS2018-STP-18-016, PDS2018-AP-18-002, PDS2018-ER-18-19-004

The Project includes a General Plan Amendment (PDS2018-GPA-18-005), a Zone Reclassification (PDS2018-REZ-18-004), an Agriculture Preserve Disestablishment (PDS2018-AP-18-002), a Tentative Map (PDS2018-TM-5629), and a Site Plan (PDS0218-STP-18-016).

The Ivanhoe Ranch Project (Project) consists of a General Plan Amendment, Rezone, Tentative Map, Site Plan, Agricultural Preserve Disestablishment, and a Williamson Act Contract Cancellation. The Project consists of the proposed 120-lot subdivision with 119 new residential units and one existing residence to remain unchanged, 24.97 acres of biological open space, a private 1.78-acre park with a parking lot, private internal roads with concrete sidewalks, decomposed granite trails, street lighting, two bridges, landscaped areas, drainage basins, and an entry monument wall. The Project would change the existing General Plan land use designation from Open Space (Recreation) and Semi-Rural (SR-10) to SR-2 and SR-0.5. The SR-0.5 and SR-2 would allow for a maximum density of one unit per 0.5-acre or 2 acres, respectively. The Rezone would change the existing zone from Limited Agriculture (A-70) to Rural Residential (RR) and Single Family Residential (RS), would remove the “A” Special Area Designator to remove the project site from the Jamacha Agricultural Preserve #21, and establish new Design Review “D” Special Area Designator, setbacks, building type, and animal designator. The project site also requires the cancellation of the Williamson Act contract (AP71-17). The Project site is 121.9 acres and is located within the central unincorporated San Diego County, within the Valle De Oro Community Plan Area, approximately 4 miles south of the City of El Cajon, south of Interstate 8 (I-8), east of State Route 54 (SR-54) and north of State Route 94 (SR-94). Access to the site would be through Ashley Park Drive on the southeast and Ivanhoe Ranch Road from the southwest.

Consistent with Section 21083.9 of the CEQA Statutes, an online/phone-in public scoping meeting/teleconference was held virtually to solicit comments on the NOP on Thursday, April 29, 2021. A second meeting will be held virtually on Thursday, May 13, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. and will end by 7:30 p.m. via Microsoft Teams.

The online meeting may be accessed by clicking here or you may also access the meeting via phone by calling (619) 343-2539 and providing conference ID number:  357 534 502#

The NOP meeting presentation slides can be found at the link below:
April 29, 2021 Presentation Slides

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency and for the safety of the public and staff, the Planning & Development Services lobbies are temporarily closed to the public. Planning & Development Services is continuing to provide essential services through online services. Please utilize the file links located on this website to view the environmental review documents. If needed, hard copies of the documents referenced on the website are available upon request for viewing at the drop-off counter of 5510 Overland Avenue. For further information regarding the operations of Planning and Development Services, please use the information located at the link below or contact the project manager using the contact information on this website:


Please direct any questions or formal comments to the project contacts below.

Project Contact: Bronwyn Brown |  Bronwyn.Brown@sdcounty.ca.gov | (858) 414-3244 (General Project Questions)

Project Environmental Coordinator: Jenna Roady |  Jenna.Roady@sdcounty.ca.gov | (619) 323-8589


PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD (April 15, 2021 - May 17, 2021)