During the Project
- Once building or demolition begins, builders and demolition
contractors must maintain a Daily Log of all generated C&D
debris. The Daily Log must include the project location and each log
entry must include:
- the date a load was transported off-site
- the type of C&D debris
- approximate weight or volume of material if no receipt is available
- name of party transporting the materials
- name of receiving facility
- whether material was recycled, salvaged, or disposed of in a landfill
- separate log entries for each occurrence of materials reused on-site
- Ensure log entries correspond to receipts issued by the party that transported the material off-site or by the facility that accepted the C&D if the materials were hauled by the permittee. In certain circumstances photos and other relevant measurements may be used as proof to show compliance.
- The Daily Log, along with receipts or other proof of diversion, shall remain at the project site and be made available to County inspectors during regular business hours.
Daily Log
Receipt Template
Quick Guide of C&D Recycling Facilities in San
List of C&D Recycling Facilities in San Diego
Have a recycling question? Email Recycle@sdcounty.ca.gov or call: