Traffic Engineering
Transportation Division Deputy Director: Murali Pasumarthi

Roadways that operate efficiently and safely for all road users are essential for sustainability, growth, and improving the quality of life in San Diego County. The Traffic Engineering Section strives to achieve and maintain a safe and efficient County Maintained Road system for motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, and equestrians. Examples of possible traffic safety improvements include traffic signals, traffic signs, striping, and guard rail. Resident concerns about traffic impacts on their neighborhood may also be addressed by Traffic Engineering through traffic calming techniques like speed humps, chicanes, and roundabouts. Traffic Engineering conducts and evaluates traffic studies to determine what measures are necessary.
- Road Service Request Form
- Report a Pothole or Road Problem
- Report a Streetlight Problem
- Report a Traffic Light Problem
Project Issue Resolution Conference
For land development projects processed through Planning & Development Services, a Project Issue Resolution (PIR) Conference is a meeting that includes an applicant, our Executive Management team, and County Project Staff to discuss issues and identify solutions that were not able to be resolved with a County Project Manager due to interpretations of a code or other unique circumstances related to a project. The County is committed to helping customers navigate the land use permit process and ensuring customer satisfaction. The County recognizes land development can be complex and each project is unique. The goal of the PIR process is to help facilitate processing of each permit application in an efficient and timely manner by elevating technical project issues to our Executive Management team. For more information, please see the PDS page.