BHAB Public Comment Online Form

The Behavioral Health Advisory Board (BHAB) and Behavioral Health Advisory Board Executive Committee meetings are held in a hybrid model (in-person and virtually). You can access the virtual meeting information by visiting the Meeting Information & Materials - BHAB under Upcoming Meeting Materials. In-person meetings are held at the County Administration Center at 1600 Pacific Hwy., San Diego, CA, 92101 Room 302.

  • Complete and submit the online form below before the start of the meeting. This will ensure BHAB Staff are aware to call your name or read your comment on your behalf if indicated to do so.
  • Public comment can also be provided in real-time during the BHAB meetings, in-person.

Public comment can be provided before the public comment session begins.

Please note this form is not for emergencies. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 9-1-1. If you need support or are actively seeking services, please call the ACL at 1 (888) 724-7240 and an experienced counselor will provide you with a referral to meet your needs and help determine eligibility.

(Your contact information is optional and may be used if staff need to reach you in response to your public comment).


If "Agenda Item" is selected, please indicate in the "Topic/Comment" box below.
Visit Meeting Information & Materials - BHAB to view the upcoming meeting's agenda items.



For questions regarding BHAB, please contact BHAB Coordinator Maria Molina-Melendez