Connect with BHS

The County of San Diego (County) Behavioral Health Services (BHS) department encourages community feedback and ongoing engagement. There are many ways to connect with BHS. Explore this page to learn about advisory boards and councils, ongoing projects, program planning, and more.

Fill out the Community Request Form to request behavioral health materials, resources, or a professional speaker for an upcoming event. Any community members, groups, or organizations within San Diego County are welcome to submit a request.

BHS Boards, Councils, & Public Convenings 

Behavioral Health Advisory Board

The County’s Behavioral Health Advisory Board (BHAB) is a 20-member citizen board created as a result of state legislation. Members are appointed by the County Board of Supervisors. BHAB’s purpose is to review and evaluate the community’s behavioral health needs, services, programs, facilities, and procedures to ensure citizen and professional involvement in the planning process. In addition to BHAB’s regular monthly meeting, there are meetings held throughout the month that are open to the public with opportunities for public comment, reference the table below for more details. Members of the public may request to be added to an email distribution list to receive BHAB meeting notices.

For more information on BHAB, including how to attend or participate, email BHS or call 619-563-2700.

BHAB Meetings

Meeting Date Time Meeting Format

Behavioral Health Advisory Board

Every 1st Thursday of the month

2:30 - 5:00 p.m.

In person and virtual options

See the BHAB webpage for more information including meeting agenda. 

Behavioral Health Advisory Board Executive Committee

Every 1st Thursday of the month

1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

In person or virtual options

See the BHAB webpage for more information including meeting agenda. 

Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention (AOD) Subcommittee

Every 2nd Thursday of the month

2:00 - 3:00 p.m. 

Virtual meeting

Click here to be added to the distribution list. 

Criminal Justice (CJ) Subcommittee

Every 4th Monday of the month

3:30 - 5:00 p.m. 

Virtual meeting

Click here to be added to the distribution list. 

Community Engagement Subcommittee

Every 1st Wednesday of the month

4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

Virtual meeting

Click here to be added to the distribution list. 

BHS Councils & Public Convenings

BHS hosts multiple public convenings and formal Councils, each with a distinct purpose as it relates to various aspects of the behavioral health community. Refer to the BHAB & BHS Councils page for more details.

For more information on BHS Councils and public convenings, including how to attend or participate, email BHS or call 619-563-2700.




Meeting Format

Adult Council

Every 2nd Monday of the month

11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 

Virtual meeting

Children, Youth & Families System of Care Council

Every 2nd Monday of the month 

9:00 - 10:30 a.m.

Virtual meeting

North Inland Faith Based Partnership Council

Bi-monthly, 2nd Thursday of the month

10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


One Safe Place, 1050 Los Vallecitos Blvd San Marcos, CA 92069

Older Adult Council

Every 4th Wednesday of the month

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Virtual Meeting

Transitional Age Youth Council

Every 4th Wednesday of the month

3:00 - 4:30 p.m. 

Virtual meeting

Housing Council

Bi-monthly (odd months), 1st Thursday of the month

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Virtual meeting

Cultural Competency Resource Team

Every 1st Friday of the month

10:00 - 11:30 a.m. 

Virtual meeting

Mental Health Services Act

The Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Community Program Planning (CPP) Process is a state-mandated process in collaboration with the community to gather input on how to assess the current capacity, define the populations to be served, and determine strategies to provide effective MHSA-funded programs.

The CPP process is ongoing, and the County encourages open dialogue to provide everyone with opportunities to have input in future planning. Stakeholders are encouraged to participate in BHAB Council meetings and to contact BHS via email or by calling 619-563-2700 for more information. 

BHS Capital Projects

The County is transforming behavioral healthcare in San Diego County by building an array of mental health and substance use services that are regionally distributed across San Diego County, enabling people to access and remain connected to care within their own communities. In alignment with this vision, the County is currently managing the capital building projects below. Visit the project web page to learn more and for upcoming community engagement opportunities.

For questions about BHS capital projects, contact BHS via email

County Harm Reduction & Prevention Groups

San Diego County Substance Use and Overdose Prevention Taskforce

The San Diego County Substance Use and Overdose Prevention Taskforce unites the former Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force and Methamphetamine Strike Force under a new name and mission. The Substance Use and Overdose Prevention Taskforce addresses the overuse and misuse of prescription and illicit drugs and works to prevent overdose deaths by engaging prevention, public health, and public safety partners, other sector partners, and community members.

The taskforce has multiple subcommittees and over 200 stakeholders and members who work collaboratively to change policies, practices, and norms and to connect communities to prevention, harm reduction, and treatment resources. Contact BHS via email or by calling 619-563-2700 for more information on San Diego County Substance Use and Overdose Prevention Taskforce and subcommittee meetings.

Taskforce Meetings at a Glance 


Meeting Cadence

San Diego County Substance Use and Overdose Prevention Taskforce

Meetings held quarterly; date and time varies

NSW/Meth & Families/Prevention Committees

Meetings held bi-monthly; date and time varies

Safe Disposal Committee

Meetings held twice yearly; date and time varies

Alcohol Policy Panel of San Diego County

The Alcohol Policy Panel is a coalition of community leaders from diverse sectors of San Diego County who convene to prevent binge and underage drinking through policy advancement.

The Marijuana Prevention Initiative

The Marijuana Prevention Initiative works to reduce youth access to marijuana by increasing public awareness regarding the adverse effects resulting from youth marijuana use.

Behavioral Health Stakeholder Meetings

NAMI Peer Council

Peer Council Every 3rd Tuesday of the month 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Virtual Meeting

BHS Student Ambassador/Liaison Program

BHS' Communication & Engagement (C&E) Team hosts a small cohort of students on a continuous basis to provide students with experiential learning and on-the-job training opportunities specific to their day-to-day operations. Through C&E's Student Ambassador/Liaison (SAL) Program, students are paid to perform hybrid, non-clinical work for 20 hours each week focused on health promotion, outreach, education, and community engagement related to behavioral health topics (e.g. stigma reduction, suicide prevention, and substance misuse and overdose prevention).

Over the course of approximately one year (10-12 months; dependent on format of student's program and academic breaks), students perform the following core activities:

  • Assist with in-person outreach, education, and engagement efforts with the community and for the department
  • Assist with planning, implementing, evaluating, and coordinating events and projects
  • Develop tools and materials to be used by department staff and/or the community
  • Prepare and present content in a variety of formats and settings
  • Participate in training opportunities to enhance their behavioral health knowledge and communication and engagement skills

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  • Participation Requirements
    • Applicants must reside within 2 hours of San Diego County geographic borders and be able to provide proof of full-time enrollment in an educational/training program to be eligible for consideration.
      • Associate/Undergraduate: Students enrolled in at least 12 semester/15 quarter units, or 'full-time' as determined by student's specific program, at an accredited college or training program leading to an associate or bachelor's degree.
      • Graduate/Technical: Students enrolled in at least 6 semester/9 quarter units, or 'full-time' as determined by student's specific program, in a graduate/technical program towards an advanced degree (e.g., MA/MS, MBA, MSW, MPH, EdD, DrPH, PhD, etc.).
      • All applicants must have a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better to participate.
    • Selected candidates should expect to engage with individuals and organizations from various communities and sectors and work a minimum of 1-2 non-remote days each week (i.e., out in the community and/or in-person at County offices) due to the nature of operations.
    • Weekly hours worked are typically scheduled between 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM, Monday-Friday, with some weekend events to be expected; students' specific hours per day are determined upon start, in partnership with their assigned Supervisor and based on students' availability.
    • A minimum commitment of 10 months is required by the department, with a prospective 90-day extension available upon completion of a student's program, pending recommendation by assigned Supervisor and funding availability. 
  • Two-Step Application Process
    1. Complete online 'Student Worker-19090504-Undergraduate, Graduate/Tech and High School' application via Government Jobs. Students participating in the department's SAL Program are compensated through the County's Student Worker/Internship Program.
    2. E-mail a cover letter (1-page maximum), resume (2-page maximum), and proof of your Student Worker Government Jobs application submission*** to by the recruitment deadline (see below); either a screenshot image file or Adobe PDF file of your application received e-mail is acceptable.

    ***Applicants receive two separate notifications: 1) an e-mail confirming County receipt of their Government Jobs application; and, 2) a subsequent e-mail confirming their name has been placed on the Student Worker eligible hire list with an eligibility expiration date. Eligibility e-mails are typically received within 10-14 days of application submission. Both e-mails are sent from the 'Processing Unit' (

 - Please note this recruitment has now CLOSED.

  • Materials received from students anticipating to graduate before May 2025 will not be considered due to the minimum time commitment of the program.
  • Position start of July 2024 (tentatively estimated for 07/26/24) following successful interview(s) and completion of standard County of San Diego background processes.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, invitations to interview with C&E's recruitment team will be provided to candidates the week of Monday, April 22, 2024. Interviews will be held with selected candidates during Monday, April 29, 2024-Friday, May 17, 2024, and, pending second interviews (if needed), conditional offers are scheduled to be provided to students no later than Friday, May 31, 2024. Offers are 'conditional' as employment is contingent upon candidates' successful clearance of all County background processes. 
  • Offerees should plan for a minimum background processing time of approximately 6-8 weeks following notification of their conditional offer.
  • All timelines subject to change.

For more information about the SAL Program or for questions about upcoming recruitments, please e-mail the C&E Team at using subject line "SAL Program Inquiry."

Graduate Student Clinical Internship

For graduate students interested in completing their clinical practicum hours or internship at Behavioral Health Services, please contact Please include a copy of your resume, number of practicum hours needed, prospective start date and region of interest.