Meredith Minor Grading Plan
The project site is located on 1923 Dentro De Lomas in the Bonsall Community Plan within unincorporated San Diego County (APN 127-141-40-00). The project is a minor grading plan to rectify a grading violation, which was graded for future accessories for residential use. The intended use of the property will be for residential use and no structures would be constructed with this grading plan. The project involves a balanced cut and fill of 3,500 cubic yards of materials. The site is subject to the General Plan Semi-Rural Regional Category, Semi-Rural 4 (SR-4) Land Use Designation. Zoning for the site is Rural Residential (RR). The site contains an existing single-family dwelling unit that would be retained. Access would be provided by a driveway connecting to Dentro De Lomas Road, a private road. The project would be served by an on-site septic system for sewer and a combination of groundwater and imported water from the Rainbow Municipal Water District.
Comments on the proposed findings and associated analysis must be received no later than August 5, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. (a 55-day public review period).
Please direct any questions or formal comments to the project contact below.
Project Contact: Souphalak Sakdarak | | (619) 323-4869
PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD (June 13, 2024 - August 5, 2024)
Standard Stormwater Quality Management Plan
Bay Area Air Quality Management District Justification Report