Service Agencies are private
businesses that are authorized to repair scales and meters, remove
out-of-order tags (red tags) placed on a device by a weights and
measures inspector, and to place the device or new devices in service.
No person may act as a service agent unless registered with the California Department of Food
and Agriculture, Division of Measurement Standards (DMS).
A service agent must notify in writing
the Department of Agriculture, Weights and Measures within 24 hours of
any repair and placed in service of a device in San Diego County.
Placed-in-Service reports may be e-mailed
to: wm.awm@sdcounty.ca.gov or faxed to:
(858) 467-9278.
Weights and Measures inspectors may issue a
violation, which may result in a penalty, to the service agency of any
improper or incorrect repair. Repeat violations my result in license
suspension or revocation.