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San Diego Weed Management Area (SDWMA)

Report an Invasive Plant Updated.docx


2024 San Diego Weed Management Area (SDWMA) Summer Symposium

Friday, June 7 | 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

County of San Diego Operations Center
5520 Overland Ave., Public Hearing Room/Chambers
San Diego, CA 92123

Come learn about the most recent weed management activities in San Diego County and beyond. Speakers will share their work at the local and regional levels and more.

Register here!

This event is FREE and brought to you by the University of California Cooperative Extension and the County of San Diego Department of Agriculture, Weights & Measures.

For Department of Pesticide Regulations Continuing Educations credits, we will apply for hours based on our complete agenda. Agenda and registration info will be available here Monday, May 13.  

To learn more about what else is going on in the state, check out the California Invasive Species Action Week website.

The San Diego Weed Management Area (SDWMA) is a group of agencies, organizations, and individuals working together to control selected invasive plant species within San Diego County. Collaboration of the members within the SDWMA has created and continues to generate the success of this organization. 

The SDWMA holds quarterly meetings for stakeholders to coordinate efforts, and an annual meeting for networking, educating members and organizing future activities. All interested persons are welcome to attend annual meetings, where they will have the opportunity to listen to stakeholders present their program’s accomplishments and/or projected work. While there are a select group of invasive species targeted for mapping and control efforts within the SDWMA group, many stakeholders also work on additional weed species within their project areas, which they may also choose to discuss.

Opportunities arise for members of the SDWMA to develop positive relations with San Diego county citizens as well. Many stakeholder groups make direct contact with county residents on a daily basis. SDWMA members understand that educating the community, concerning the identification of invasive species as well as how to deal with them, is a practice that creates a more vested public in habitat conservation, our agriculture industry, and our natural resources. With invasive weed abatement costing California taxpayers at least $82 million each year, groups like the SDWMA require the help of numerous programs, agencies, and citizens to take control of this growing problem.  


News & Events

Target Invasive Weeds County of San Diego/SANDAG

SDWMA Meetings

Contact Us/Report an Invasive Weed


Weed ID Cards

3rd Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

CBI Strategic Plan

If you want to be notified about upcoming meetings, please e-mail your request to:

County of San Diego (SDAWM Host Stakeholder)
Agriculture, Weights and Measures-Integrated Pest Control
Phone: (858)614-7750
Email:  IPC.AWM@SDCounty.CA.gov