Commercial Agriculture Businesses
Common materials from Commercial Agriculture Businesses, such as fertilizers, metals, leaf litter, oil, and grease, are considered pollutants that can harm water quality if they make their way into storm drain systems. These pollutants can degrade water quality and kill aquatic organisms if they wash into our waters.
All sources of pollution are prohibited from leaving your site and entering streets and storm drains. Use the resources below to protect our waterways and keep your business in compliance.
What can I do?
Use Best Management Practices (BMPs)!
BMPs are techniques or controls used to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants, such as fertilizers, pesticides, and organic wastes, into the stormwater conveyance system (storm drain system). The helpful documents below, and the Guidance Handbook to Reduce Water Pollution, are references to help reduce pollutants to our storm drain system and local waterways

--------------Stormwater Training---------------------
Annual Stormwater Training Material
Water Quality Best Management Practices (BMPs)
| English | Spanish | Vietnamese | Chinese | Tagalog | Arabic
Only Rain in the Storm Drain
| English | Spanish | Vietnamese | Chinese | Tagalog | Arabic
UCCE Agricultural Water Quality Continuing Education Course Ch. 1 – 4
Annual Stormwater Training Documentation Fillable Form
| English | Spanish | Vietnamese | Chinese | Tagalog | Arabic
Additional Resources
Stormwater Annual Review Guidelines and Form (pdf)
Sedimentation From Agricultural Operations (pdf)
Stormwater BMPs
For more information on ways you can prevent pollution from entering storm drains, click on the links below:
San Diego County Department of Public Works - Landscaping
Reducing Nutrient Runoff in the Rainbow Creek Watershed
Regulatory Information
County of San Diego Stormwater Ordinance: information on the regional regulations and ordinances in effect.
Regional Water Quality Control Board's Agricultural Order: Regulatory information and requirements for commercial agricultural operations subject to the RWQCB’s Agricultural Order.
Rainbow Creek Nutrient Reduction and Management Plan: downloadable plan outlining water quality requirements to reduce nutrients found in the Rainbow Creek Watershed.
Rainbow Creek Watershed Flyer - Cover Page, English
Rainbow Creek Watershed Flyer - Cover Page, Spanish
Rainbow Creek Watershed Flyer - Erosion and Runoff, English
Rainbow Creek Watershed Flyer - Erosion and Runoff, Spanish
Rainbow Creek Watershed Flyer - Irrigation Management, English
Rainbow Creek Watershed Flyer - Irrigation Management, Spanish
Rainbow Creek Watershed Flyer - Nutrient Management, English
Rainbow Creek Watershed Flyer - Nutrient Management, Spanish
Rainbow Creek Watershed Flyer - Training, English
Rainbow Creek Watershed Flyer - Training, Spanish