What is the Capital Improvement Plan?
The Department of Public Works (DPW) continually strives to improve
and maintain public infrastructure for our unincorporated communities.
Capital projects include improvements to roads, bridges, sewer
systems, stormwater and flood control systems, airports, and other
infrastructure that serves the public good and helps ensure safe,
thriving, and sustainable communities. Having safe, accessible,
thoughtfully planned, and well-maintained infrastructure is essential
to the quality for life for residents, businesses, and visitors in the
unincorporated area.
Each year DPW reviews and revises
our forecast of planned and potential capital projects, the Capital
Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP spans a five-year timeline and ensures
that we take care of aging infrastructure in a way that is aligned
with the County’s Strategic Initiatives.
The County
also constructs other capital improvements like parks, libraries, and
fire stations. For more information on those projects, please visit:
Project Planning for 2024-2029 | Engage San Diego County
DPW Capital Improvement Program Areas
We want to hear from you! Join us for a Virtual Public Meeting
Join the Department of Public works for a virtual public meeting to discuss the 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan. Attendees will have the opportunity to:
Capital Planning Principles


Safety, Quality of
Life, Partnership

Health, Economic
Opportunity &
Housing Considerations


Transparency and

Project Readiness
Funding, Planning,
Group Approval
How Projects are Selected
The capital improvement planning process is an ongoing, year-round effort. DPW crews and engineers continuously assess infrastructure conditions, connect with customers, engage stakeholders, and develop plans to identify and address capital improvement needs. The image above identifies key steps throughout the year for our next CIP cycle in 2024-25. You can expect a similar community engagement workshop in October 2023 to discuss next year’s CIP.
Explore CIP Projects in Your Community!
Explore current projects underway within unincorporated San Diego County by using the CIP Projects Interactive Map! The map includes filters like project type and Board of Supervisor district that community members can use when searching for projects. See the most recent CIP workbook documenting projects submitted during the Fiscal Year 2025-2029 cycle here.
To view the StoryMap, click on the link below. Choose a section
you are interested in by hovering over each heading link and clicking
to jump to that section of the StoryMap. Hover over each project
narrative to see its location on the map. To learn more about a
project narrative, click on it to view more details.
*This map represents a snapshot of the current CIP projects as of October 2023 and is not updated in real time. DPW values your input and is planning several public meetings to gather feedback from the public durring October to November. See the sign-up link on this page.
Important Documents
Virtual Public Meeting Recording
2024-2029 Capital Improvement Plan English:
Contact Us
This list does not represent project needs that have been identified but are currently unfunded, we are in the process of developing that list. If you have questions about projects contact us.
You can also give us your feedback online by visiting our Engage page and submit your ideas, share feedback, and more