The County is home to 11 westward draining watersheds. Can you identify the watershed you live, work and recreate in? Enter your address into the search bar on the top right corner of this map to discover which is your watershed! (Your address will not be recorded)
Watersheds Relief Map Download the PDF
Specific information about the County’s watersheds
The County of San Diego is one of the 21 entities responsible for managing the 11 westward draining watersheds in San Diego County. The County works in collaboration with the San Diego International Airport, Port of San Diego, and the 18 incorporated cities throughout the county (known as the Copermitees) to implement stormwater quality programs in accordance with the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems [MS4] Permit issued by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board. The Copermitees collectively are represented by Project Clean Water, a public clearinghouse for information related to permit activities. Visit to learn more about the San Diego Regional Copermitees, Water Management Areas [WMA], and how you can be part of the solution to pollution in San Diego.
Keep Our Waterways Clean
If you see anything other than rainwater in the curb, gutter, alley, or street, please REPORT POLLUTION

San Diego Bay WMA is made up of the Pueblo, Sweetwater, and Otay watersheds. Learn more about this WMA HERE