Prenatal Care Providers
- Prenatal Care Providers play an important role in our program
by screening all pregnant women for Hepatitis B and reporting
positive Hepatitis B labs to public health.
- Our program reviews Hepatitis B labs daily and is in contact
with local providers to determine pregnancy status.
- Since 1996, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)
has recommended the screening of pregnant women for Hepatitis
- The current recommendation from the USPSTF is
“screening for hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in pregnant
women at their first prenatal visit."
(Grade A)
- The current recommendation from the USPSTF is
“screening for hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in pregnant
women at their first prenatal visit."
- By reporting your Hepatitis B positive pregnant patients to us, you help us identify women at risk faster.
6 Actions to Complete
1) Order Hepatitis B surface antigen laboratory testing
- Required by California Health and Safety Codes (125080 and 125085)
- Recommended for women to be tested during each
pregnancy, even if status is already known
2) Contact us if you have a Hepatitis B positive pregnant woman under your care
- Use this attached form to provide us with the
- Please send us the woman's lab report
and the completed form via secure email or fax
- Secure email:
- Fax: 619-692-5677
3) Order Hepatitis B Virus DNA (HBV DNA) quantitative testing to determine woman's level of infectivity
- HBV DNA ≥ 200,000 IU/mL is associated with an increased risk of perinatal transmission of Hepatitis B virus
- All Hepatitis B positive women should be referred to a specialist to see if any further evaluation and/or treatment is warranted
4) Document a clear note in patient's prenatal record indicating patient's Hepatitis B positive status
5) Send patient's positive Hepatitis B surface antigen lab to the planned delivery hospital
6) Notify and educate your patient they will receive a call about our program from a nurse case manager
- Provide them our program brochure found here in multiple languages
- Inform your patient of the importance of the Hepatitis B vaccine and post-vaccination serology testing for their child
- Educate your patient that breastfeeding is safe once their infant has received the Hepatitis B vaccine and Hepatitis B Immune Globulin after birth
Resources and Additional Information
We really appreciate your assistance and continued cooperation to help make the perinatal Hepatitis B prevention program a success in San Diego County.
Please find some additional resources below from CDC and CDPH regarding prenatal care providers guidance.
- County of San Diego Perinatal Hepatitis B: Prenatal Care Provider Information Sheet
- CDPH Prenatal Provider Quicksheet
- Hepatitis B Screening Recommendations for Prenatal Care Providers
- Screening and Referral Algorithm for Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection Among Pregnant Women
- Interpretation of Hepatitis B Serologic Test Results
- CDPH: Perinatal Hepatitis B Prevention Program
- CDC: Viral Hepatitis – Perinatal Transmission
- Hep B Moms – Asian Liver Center
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 866-358-2966 and select 'option 5' to speak to a public health nurse or email us at