Janice Scanner Gun_Cropped

Weights and Measures inspectors routinely conduct inspections at retail locations with automated point-of-sale systems to verify that prices charged to consumers are the same as those posted, advertised, or quoted price. Automated point-of-sale (POS) systems include scanners or any electronic or computer systems that use price look-up codes or descriptions to retrieve the prices for items.

The San Diego County Board of Supervisors enacted the Consumer Confidence Protection Act of 1999, requiring the annual registration of retail POS systems, as defined by California law, being used by a retail establishment.


Retailers may view: What You Need To Know About A Price Verification Inspection (Lo Que Necesita Saber Acerca de Una Inspección de Verificacion de Precios)

Weights and Measures inspectors also confirm that check-out stands clearly display the price of each item as they are entered into the POS system. The California law ( BPC §13300 ) requiring customer price displays was enacted in 2002 and became effective January 1, 2007.

Attention Consumers Notice  must be posted at every POS station.
Atención Consumidores Aviso debe ser colocado en cada estación de Punto de Venta.


Customers should be vigilant to protect themselves:

  • Pay attention to the customer price display to make sure you are charged the correct price
  • Look at your receipt before you leave the store
  • Report pricing errors to store management immediately
  • Ask about the store’s policy for overcharges (Sometimes the store will give you an item for free or subtract a dollar amount)


To report any overcharges, call 1-888-TRUE-SCAN (878-3722) (toll free) or e-mail

Please provide the following information to enable our inspectors to accurately investigate the complaint:

  • Store name, address, and city
  • Date and time of occurrence
  • Sale ending date, if the item is on sale
  • Item or items purchased, including brand name and size as appropriate
  • Location in the store, such as, regular aisle, end cap, special table display, at entrance, etc.
  • Specific complaint information (i.e., shelf price stated $1.50, but store charged $1.75)

Include your name and telephone number, or name and e-mail address, to allow us to contact you with the results of our investigation. This information is kept confidential from the store location.

Additionally, you can file your complaint using this complaint form:
General Consumer Complaint Form