Application Process

Determine if your construction & demolition (C&D) project needs a C&D permit and whether you must submit a performance guarantee.

Does my Project Need a Performance Guarantee or a Permit, or Both?

If your project requires a C&D Permit and Performance Guarantee:

  1. When applying for a building or demolition permit, the Planning and Development Services (PDS) Building Tech will add the C&D Conditions of Approval to the building or demolition permit.
  2. The Building Tech will provide permittee with a PDS Referral Sheet which will need to get DPW Recycling's staff signature to release the Condition of Approval in order to get building or demolition permit issuance. 
  3. Customer will present the PDS Referral Sheet to the Land Development Counter staff.
  4. Land Development Counter staff will create a C&D Permit number and attach it to the associated building or demolition permit number.
  5. If a Performance Guarantee is required, permittee will fill out a Financially Responsible form for the Land Development Staff.
    1. Click here to view the Performance Guarantee and Permit Table.
    2. Projects between 1,000 and ≤ 5,000 ft2 that use an Approved Collector are eligible to use the Approved Collector Compliance Method where NO performance guarantee is required. 
  6. Land Development Counter staff will create a trust account and determine the amount of the Performance Guarantee based on square footage. They will print an invoice to be paid and provide the permittee with an invoice to pay at the PDS Cashier and provide a Debris Management Plan (DMP) to the customer. Payments are cash only (check or money order).
  7. Once the customer has paid the invoice, they will return the paid invoice receipt, a signed copy of the Financially Responsible form, and the completed DMP to DPW Recycling staff on the second floor of 5510 Overland Ave. Cartographic counter (left of stairs). 
  8. DPW Recycling staff will review the Debris Management Plan and proof of payment, and sign-off the PDS Referral Sheet. 
  9. For major grading permits, the C&D Condition of Approval will be routed to DPW Recycling for approval through the grading permit process. No performance guarantee will be collected.
  10. If it is infeasible to recycle C&D materials from your project, please submit an Infeasibility form to for DPW Recycling staff to evaluate. 

C&D Permit Instructions
Compliance Methods
Debris Management Plan (DMP)
Financially Responsible Form
Infeasibility Form
Recyclable Materials List
Materials Conversion Table (Excel / PDF)

Next: During the Project


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