Paradise Valley Gas Station
PDS2019-ZAP-19-003; PDS2019-ER-20-18-001
The project consists of a Minor Use Permit to allow gasoline sales and convenience sales and services. The project would include four multi-product dispensers to serve up to eight vehicles simultaneously and a 2,318-square foot (sf) canopy. The project would also include a 3,555-sf convenience store building, an 855-sf carwash tunnel, eight on-site vehicle parking spaces and other accessory structures. Off-site road improvements are proposed along Paradise Valley Road and the SR-125 on-ramp and the project proposes raising an existing guy wire that is supporting a power pole. The project site is located at the intersection of Paradise Valley Road and Elkelton Place in the Spring Valley Community Planning area, within unincorporated San Diego County. The site is subject to the General Plan Regional Category Village, Land Use Designation Medium Impact Industrial. Zoning for the site is Limited Industrial (M52) and General Impact Industrial (M54). The site is currently undeveloped and vacant. Access would be provided through Paradise Valley Road. An estimated 100 cubic yards (CY) of soil would be cut and recompacted on site. An additional estimated 550 CY of fill would be imported to the project site.
Comments on this proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration must be received no later than September 25, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. (a 32-day public review period). For additional information and to send comments, please contact the staff contact below.
Project Contact: Jae Roland-Chase | | (619) 380-3130

PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD (August 24, 2023, 2023 - September 25, 2023)
Mitigated Negative Declaration
Ordinance Compliance Checklist
Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) Conformance Findings
A - Conceptual Landscape Plan Approval
C - Biological Resources Report
F - Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
G - Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment
H - County Hazards Review Transmittal Memo
I - Priority Development Project Stormwater Quality Management Plan
L - Noise Review Transmittal Memo