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2019 Statements of Proceedings

2019 Statement of Proceedings

Click below for prior years
[ 2018 | 20172016201520142013 |  2012 |  2011 |  2010 |  2009 |  2008 | 2007 |  2006 |  2005 | 2004 |  2003 ]

Official recordings and Board meeting materials are on file with the Clerk of the Board.  You may contact the Clerk of the Board at (619) 531-5434 or visit the office at 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 402, San Diego, CA 92101 for further details.

You can also watch the Board of Supervisors meetings live or view archives of past meetings. View the board meeting calendar to find out when you can watch meetings live.



Proceedings Date

Approval Date Meeting Type

01/15/20 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio 
12/11/19  04/07/20 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Housing Authority
12/11/19  02/26/20 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Sanitation District

01/14/20 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
12/10/19  01/29/20 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Air Pollution Control Board 

12/11/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio 
11/20/19  12/10/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Air Pollution Control Board 

12/10/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 

11/19/19 Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 

11/20/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio 
10/30/19  11/20/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Air Pollution Control Board 
10/30/19  12/11/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Sanitation District
10/29/19  11/19/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
10/16/19  10/30/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio 
10/16/19  10/30/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Air Pollution Control Board 
10/15/19  10/29/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 

10/16/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio 

10/15/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
09/11/19 09/25/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio 
09/11/19 10/16/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Air Pollution Control Board 
09/10/19 09/24/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
08/07/19 09/11/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio 
08/06/19 09/10/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
07/24/19 08/07/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio 
07/24/19 10/30/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Sanitation District
07/23/19 08/06/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
07/23/19 12/10/19 Regular Meeting of the In-Home Supportive Service Public Authority 
07/10/19 07/24/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio 
07/10/19 12/10/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Flood Control District
07/10/19 07/24/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Sanitation District
07/09/19 07/23/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
07/09/19 07/23/19 Regular Meeting of the In-Home Supportive Service Public Authority 
06/26/19 07/10/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio 
06/26/19 09/11/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Air Pollution Control Board
06/26/19 07/10/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Flood Control District
06/26/19 12/11/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Housing Authority
06/25/19 07/09/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
06/25/19 09/11/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Air Pollution Control Board
06/25/19 07/10/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Flood Control District
06/25/19 07/23/19  Regular Meeting of the In-Home Supportive Service Public Authority 
06/25/19 12/10/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego as Successor Agency to the County of San Diego Redevelopment Agency
06/25/19 07/10/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Sanitation District
June 10 & 13 07/09/19

FY 2019-2020 Budget Hearings (Meeting of the Board of Supervisors)

Monday - Budget Hearings  Audio 

Thursday - Budget Hearings  Audio 

06/05/19 06/26/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio 
06/04/19 06/25/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
05/22/19 06/05/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio 
05/22/19 06/26/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Air Pollution Control Board
05/21/19 06/04/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
05/21/19 06/25/19 Regular Meeting of the In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority
05/01/19 05/22/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio
04/30/19 05/21/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
04/10/19 05/01/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio
04/10/19 05/22/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Air Pollution Control Board
04/09/19 04/30/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
03/27/19 04/10/19  Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio
03/27/19 04/10/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Air Pollution Control Board
03/27/19 06/26/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Housing Authority
03/27/19 06/25/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Sanitation District
03/26/19 04/09/19  Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
03/13/19 03/27/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio
03/12/19 03/26/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
02/27/19 03/13/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio
02/27/19 06/26/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Flood Control District
02/26/19 03/12/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
02/13/19 02/27/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio
02/12/19 02/26/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
01/30/19 02/13/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio
01/30/19 02/27/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Flood Control District
01/29/19 02/12/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
01/09/19 01/30/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (Planning and Land Use)  Audio
01/09/19 01/30/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego Flood Control District
01/08/19 01/29/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors Audio 
01/08/19 06/25/19 Regular Meeting of the County of San Diego as Successor Agency to the County of San Diego Redevelopment Agency
01/07/19 01/29/19 Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors - Swearing-In Ceremony Audio