San Diego County Emergency Medical Services Office

All-Hazard Health Services Capacity Management Plan - Level 4 (Enhanced Surveillance)

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Ambulance Diversion Town Hall

January 31, 2025, 11:00 AM PST

Ambulance Diversion Town Hall

Thank you to those who attended or participated in the Ambulance Diversion Town Hall meeting on January 31, 2025.

We value the community's input regarding ambulance diversion practices and policies and look forward to identifying opportunities to improve our EMS delivery system.

If you were unable to attend the town hall or have additional feedback to provide, please complete this online form. This form will remain open until February 14.

Thank you for your collaboration and for providing valuable feedback.


Ambulance Ordinance Update

December 29, 2024, 5:00 PM PST

County EMS Ambulance Inspection

Did you know the County of San Diego sets rules for ambulances, air ambulances, and non-emergency medical transportation providers to follow through an Ambulance Ordinance?

A lot has changed in our local EMS delivery system since the rules were last updated, so the Ambulance Ordinance is undergoing revisions to align with current best practices and medical transportation standards. As part of this process, we would like to hear from the community to help better understand their experience with the ambulance system and identify areas for potential improvement.

There is a survey that is open to everyone, including hospital and EMS professionals, members of the public, and all stakeholders.


The survey is open from December 31, 2024 to February 14, 2025 and we look forward to receiving your feedback. You can find more information about this project on the Engage San Diego County Ambulance Ordinance page.


Update Following San Diego County EMS Board of Supervisors Presentation

August 29, 2024, 3:00 PM PST

Memo Update after Board of Supervisors meeting

On Tuesday, August 27th, the San Diego County EMS Office presented an update to the Board of Supervisors regarding the Comprehensive Evaluations of the Base Station Hospital System and the Trauma Catchment Area Designations reports.

After the Board meeting, the County EMS Administrator and County EMS Medical Director provided stakeholders with information about next steps in the process. County EMS' priority focus areas include access to real-time medical direction, quality assurance and clinical impovement processes, and comprehensive, countywide EMS system coordination.

County EMS is committed to modernizing the EMS delivery system to enhance patient-centered, equitable EMS care for all San Diego County residents and visitors. We look forward to collaborating with all the various stakeholders in San Diego County throughout these next steps.


Base Station Hospital System & Trauma Center Catchment Area Designations: Final Report Posted

May 30, 2024, 12:00 PM PST

Comprehensive Evaluation of the Base Station Hospital System Cover Page

The County of San Diego EMS Office (CoSD EMS) is pleased to announce that Public Consulting Group (PCG) has concluded their Comprehensive Evaluation of the Base Station Hospital System and Trauma Center Catchment Area Designations.

The Comprehensive Evaluation of the Base Station Hospital System Report and the Trauma Center Catchment Area Designations Report have been posted on the County of San Diego's Engage webpage.

Following the report publication, public comments about the report will be accepted through June 30, 2024.

Prior to presenting the reports to the Board of Supervisors, CoSD EMS and PCG have scheduled two virtual Zoom meetings on
June 5 and June 6 to allow stakeholders to:

  • Learn about the study process
  • Review the report's findings
  • Hear about next steps
  • Ask the consultant group questions

We invite all EMS system stakeholders, healthcare community members, and the public to participate.

Dates, times, and links for the virtual sessions can be found on the County EMS Engage webpage.


New Online Reporting Platform for APS Referrals

December 22, 2023, 9:21 AM PST

Aging & Independence Services (AIS) has transitioned to a new online reporting platform for APS referrals. To report suspected elder or dependent adult abuse or self-neglect, use the new link below:

APS Online Reporting Platform

You do not need a username and password to use the new online system. In addition, a SOC 341 form is no longer required if you use the online referral option above. Referrals can still be made by calling the AIS Call Center at 800-339-4661. The Mandatory Reporting page has also been updated.


"Emergency Department Impact Status Scorecard" Pilot Program

November 29, 2023, 1:15 PM PST

In collaboration with hospital leaders and the Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties, the San Diego County EMS Office deployed an "Emergency Department (ED) Impact Status Scorecard." The ED Impact Status Scorecard is a novel system stress indicator allowing hospitals to communicate real-time facility capacity. This system facilitates the ongoing partnership between hospitals, EMS professionals, and County EMS. The successful pilot program, initiated May 2023, has been expanded for use across the entire San Diego County hospital system.

View the details here: ED Impact Status Scorecard Pilot Program Expansion 

Picture of EMS Mobile App

EMS Mobile App is Now Available

The San Diego County EMS Office is pleased to announce our new EMS Mobile App!

The app is now available to the community: EMS Mobile App

The EMS Mobile App is a browser-based application and works on any device with an internet connection and web browser. The app allows users to easily search through all protocols and policies using keywords. In addition, users can bookmark specific protocols and policies to quickly access them at any time.

The EMS Mobile App also has a references section with important resources for our hospital and prehospital healthcare professionals.


Patient-Centered Care Modification from Paramedic to EMT Transport from Scene to Hospital

After the deactivation of the tool that allowed EMTs to transport eligible patients following on-scene paramedic treatment during high system stress periods, the San Diego County EMS Office received requests from EMS prehospital and hospital professionals for clarification on the authorized use of EMS Policy S-412. The EMS Medical Director has issued a memo titled "Patient-Centered Care Modification from Paramedic to EMT Transport from Scene to Hospital" to provide guidance and clarification on this policy.


EMS Cardiac Monitor Data Retention Community Consensus Guidance

A community workgroup was formed as part of the San Diego County EMS Office quality assurance/quality improvement (QA/QI) program. The workgroup has developed a consensus guidance document to provide communitywide standards in EMS cardiac monitor data management.

This guidance is intended to enhance the QA/QI process by ensuring standardization in EMS cardiac monitor data integration and retention. The EMS Medical Director has released an EMS Cardiac Monitor Data Retention Community Consensus Guidance memo with more information.


Treatment on the EMS Gurney Community Consensus Guidance

A community workgroup has developed a consensus guidance document to provide focused, patient-centered guidance for hospital treatments that may be performed prior to patient Transfer of Care.

This guidance is intended to bring clarity to interventions that are reasonable to perform during this time interval to facilitate a smoother patient handover process. The EMS Medical Director has released a Treatment on the EMS Gurney Community Consensus Guidance memo with more information.


Recommendation for COVID and Flu Vaccinations

With concern for the surge in COVID cases this fall, it is important for all of us to be up to date on our vaccinations. The harsh influenza season in the Southern Hemisphere suggests we may experience a severe flu season concurrent with this potential surge in COVID cases.

The EMS Medical Director strongly recommends COVID and flu vaccinations and has released a strong recommendation for COVID and flu vaccinations memo with more information.

Xylazine as a white crystalline solid

Xylazine Alert for EMS

Please see the Xylazine Alert for EMS Professionals from the EMS Medical Director.  

Additional information may be found at this National Institute of Drug Abuse page and this Drug Enforcement Administration info sheet.

Ryan Mitchell First Responder Behavioral Health Support Program logo

Behavioral Health Program for First Responders

The Fire Captain Ryan Mitchell behavioral health support program is a free, confidential 24/7 peer-supported referral hotline.

This program aims to increase awareness about local mental health resources and decrease the stigma and barriers associated with First Responders seeking behavioral health support services.