Family Self-Sufficiency Program

What is the Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS)?
What is FSS? on Vimeo
It is a program to help Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher renters continue their educational and career goals.
You can seek training or education that will help you get a job or improve your performance at your current job.
We, at the Housing Authority of the County of San Diego (HACSD), will provide a variety of resources to help you meet your goals.
As FSS participants increase their earned income, HACSD reduces the amount of housing assistance payments sent to landlords. The savings is deposited into an escrow account which is available to FSS participants after their goals are met.
If you currently receive Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance and are interested in our FSS program, please contact us at
If you are accepted into the program, you will be asked to sign a contract of participation that outlines your rights, responsibilities and the steps you can take to become self-sufficient.
- The contract is for five years, although not everyone will need the full five years.
- As you progress, you will give us updates as you advance toward your goals.
- We will help you figure out if there are barriers making it difficult to meet your goals. We will refer you to available community resources.
- FSS offers scholarship programs for current participants and household members who will attend college, university, technical or vocational school in the fall or spring of each year. To be considered for a scholarship, you may call (858)694-8703.
FSS Provides Opportunities
- Looking for work? Your local Career Center will tell you about job search workshops, give you access to computers, information and referrals to training programs and much more.
- Basic money skills and financial trainings are available in English or Spanish from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) where you may also receive a free CD of the Money Smart program.
- Do you want to do a better job with your household budget? Do you need some credit counseling or education? Want to attend a first-time home-buyer class? Money Management International Credit Counseling Services can help. They offer services by phone, over the internet, in their office or in a classroom.
- If you worked last year you may be eligible for an Earned Income Tax Credit. You may also get help filling out your tax forms.
- Need help with something else? Dial 2-1-1 or visit their website They have information on just about anything you need.
If you have questions, please email
FSS Forms and Information
- FSS-001 Action Plan One Pager 2022
- FSS-007 Brochure English
- FSS-007 Brochure Spanish
- FSS-007 Brochure Arabic
- FSS-013 Contract Change Request Form
- FSS-015 Contract Extension Form
- FSS-024 FAQ Flyer
- FSS-025 FAQs
- FSS-029 Head of FSS Family Acknowledgment
- FSS-035 Participant PCC Volunteer Form
- FSS-036 Personal Needs Assessment
- FSS-041 Request for Escrow Money Form
- FUP Acknowledgment Form
- FUP Youth Extension Notice
- FUP Youth Verification of Exception
FSS Testimonials