Body Art Program & Massage Program

The Food and Housing Division (FHD) of the Department of
Environmental Health and Quality is the local agency charged with
implementing the Safe Body Art Act in the County of San Diego.
Effective on July 1, 2012, the law requires that body art be performed
in a safe and sanitary manner to prevent the potential for spreading
blood-borne diseases; it establishes specific requirements for body
art facilities and practitioners, as well as limited requirements for
mechanical piercing.
Got Plan Check Questions? Please
submit an Inquiry Form.
Body art practitioners are those who perform tattoo, piercing,
permanent cosmetics and branding on a person’s skin. They are required
to received annual training in bloodborne pathogen standards annually
to ensure they know how to prevent transmission of blood-borne
diseases; they also must perform these procedures in approved Body Art
facilities that have a valid health permit and are inspected by
Environmental Health Specialists of the Department of Environmental
Health and Quality.
In order to maintain the Practitioner's Registration, practitioners must pay for registration annually, attend Bloodborne Pathogen training annually, and submit a signed Practitioner Location of Operation Agreement.
NEW PRACTITIONER CHECKLIST (you will need to submit):
- Application for Practitioner Registration
- Practitioner Location of Operation Agreement NEW (as of 2018)
- Bloodborne Pathogens Training Certificate (Click here for Approved Trainer List)
- Hepatitis B Vaccination Status (one of the following): Hep B Vaccination Record, Declination Form or Antibody Laboratory Results
- Photo ID (you must be at least 18 years old)
RENEWAL PRACTITIONER CHECKLIST (you will need to submit):
- Annual renewal - Bloodborne Pathogens Training Certificate (Click
here for Approved Trainer List)
- Practitioner Location of Operation Agreement NEW (as of 2018)
- If any changes, please resubmit - Application for Practitioner Registration
- In Person: 5500 Overland Avenue Suite #170, San Diego, CA 92123
- By Email:
- By Mail: P.O. Box 129261, San Diego, CA 92112-9261 ATTN: FHD
Permits - Body Art
Body Art Operator's Guide: PDF
Practitioner Location of Operation
Agreement: PDF
Infection Prevention Control Plan
Template: PDF
Body Art Sterilization Log: PDF
Microblading Fact Sheet: PDF
Safe Machine Designs: PDF
Sterile Water Use in Tattooing: PDF
Public Health Permit Application: PDF
Practitioner Location of Operation
Agreement: PDF
Fee Schedule: PDF
Starting a Body Art Business Booklet: PDF
Body Art Plan Check Guide: PDF
Mobile Body Art Plan Check Guide: PDF
Body Art Plan Check Checklist -
Submitting Plans: PDF
Plan Check Application: PDF
Infection Prevention Control Plan
Template: PDF
Body Art Sterilization Log: PDF
Microblading Fact Sheet: PDF
Safe Machine Designs: PDF
Sterile Water Use in Tattooing: PDF
Temporary Event Sponsor Packet Application PDF
For Ear Piercing Facilities: Mechanical
Stud and Clasp Ear Piercing Notification Form PDF
Bloodborne Pathogen Trainer Application:
Tattoos Permanent Make-Up (FDA
guidance): PDF
The County of San Diego is proud
to present the Emmy Award winning Safety
Stickler documentary featuring local owner/artist Mike Martin,
who relates his experience promoting safety in the field of body art.
In this six minute video you will also see how the County of San Diego
works with local tattoo artists to protect the health of everyone that
gets "inked!"
Safe Body Art Act Law: PDF
San Diego County Code: PDF
Effective October 1, 2021: DEHQ no longer regulates
Massage facilities in the City of San Diego and Unincorporated County areas.
To operate your Massage Business in the City of San Diego, please ensure you have permit/license with the City of San Diego Police Department Massage Program. If you do not already have a permit/license with the City of San Diego Police Department Massage Program, or are unsure if you have the appropriate permit, please contact the City of San Diego Business Tax Program at (619) 615-1500.
To operate your Massage Business in Unincorporated County areas, the San Diego County Sherriff's Department decided that the California Massage Therapy Council will be responsible for all massage permitting and inspection oversight. Visit the CAMTC or call (916) 669-5336 for further information.
Massage Facility Plan Check Checklist for use in
all Incorporated cities, except the City of San Diego.