Drug Lab Clean-Up Program

Clean-Up of Drug Lab Contaminated Properties
The Land and Water Quality Division, Site Assessment and Mitigation Program (SAM) oversees the clean up of clandestine methamphetamine (meth) and fentanyl laboratory sites within San Diego County.
The Criteria for the Assessment and Remediation of Clandestine Methamphetamine Laboratories is a document that was developed to provide information to be used by property owners and remediation consultants to help them develop and implement a remediation strategy, and by San Diego County authorities to evaluate work plans and assessments in a manner consistent with best available practices.
The first step in the assessment process for a clan laboratory is the preparation of a Preliminary Site Assessment (PSA) work plan, which must be prepared under the oversight of a licensed industrial hygienist.
Please contact Jon Senaha at 858-505-6798,
or SAM
Duty Desk at 858-505-6808 for questions regarding assessment and
remediation of meth lab sites.
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Info for Property Owners | Meth Certified Contractors | HMD Topics |