Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP)

California Health & Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.95
Effective January 1, 2013 all unified program facilities are required to electronically submit their facility information through the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS). This includes information related to your:
- Unified Program Facility Permit (UPFP)
- Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP)
- Hazardous Waste
- Hazardous Waste Onsite Treatment
- Hazardous Waste Tank Closures
- Remote Waste Consolidation
- Recyclable Materials Reports
- Underground Storage Tanks (UST)
- Aboveground petroleum storage over 1,320 gallons (APSA/SPCC)
IMPORTANT. Please Read: Changes in the law might affect your facility and hazardous materials reporting. Visit our Hazardous Materials Inventory Reporting Guidance page for more information.
What is the HMBP?
What is this information used for? The HMBP contains detailed information on the storage of hazardous materials at regulated facilities. The purpose of the HMBP is to prevent or minimize damage to public health, safety, and the environment, from a release or threatened release of a hazardous material. The HMBP also provides emergency response personnel with adequate information to help them better prepare and respond to chemical-related incidents at regulated facilities.
Who is required to prepare an HMBP?
Businesses that handle hazardous materials (including hazardous waste) or extremely hazardous substances at reportable quantities are required to prepare and electronically submit an HMBP in CERS. The reportable quantities are equal to or greater than:
- 500 pounds of a solid
- 55 gallons of a liquid
- 200 cubic feet of a compressed gas
- A hazardous compressed gas in any amount (highly toxic with a Threshold Limit Value of ≤ 10 parts per million)
- Extremely hazardous substances above the threshold planning quantities (TPQs)
Get Started with your HMBP
The HMBP will also serve to better prepare emergency response personnel for handling emergencies which could occur at your facility. The section below contains the necessary information for the creation of a useful HMBP for your facility which will be uploaded into CERS. When completed, your HMBP will become a valuable tool, aiding you and your employees to manage emergencies at your facility.
Hazardous Materials Business Plan - Instructions and Templates
The Hazardous Materials Business Plan forms have been integrated into CERS and will need to be electronically completed or uploaded. Please visit our CERS information page for more details regarding electronic submissions.We encourage you to utilize the instructions and templates on our website to develop the HMBP documents that you will have to upload into the CERS web application. All required forms and instructions are available on the HMD Forms page.
Annual Hazardous Materials Inventory Certification in CERS
Please refer to the Annual Hazardous Materials Inventory Certification guidance document from CalEPA for instructions on how to complete your annual HMBP certification.
HMBP Plan Check
The Hazardous Materials Plan Check Specialist assists new businesses and businesses undergoing tenant improvements, in complying with their HMBP requirements. For additional information please refer to the HMBP Plan Check webpage.
Inspection Information
As the Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) for the County of San Diego, the Hazardous Materials Division (HMD) conducts routine inspections at facilities that are subject to the HMBP requirements. The purpose of these inspections is:
- To ensure compliance with existing laws and regulations concerning HMBP requirements.
- To identify existing safety hazards that could cause or contribute to an accidental spill or release.
- To suggest preventive measures designed to minimize the risk of a spill or release of hazardous materials.