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Alpine Community Plan Update

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The County is currently re-evaluating the scope and process considerations for community plan updates, in consideration of County Board of Supervisors direction for Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) guidelines updates and the Sustainable Land Use Framework process. This re-evaluation process could lead to new direction or other actions for the County’s Community Planning program. 

Sustainable Land Use Framework website

Community Plan Update

Community plans serve to implement the General Plan which directs future growth in the unincorporated areas of the County. They refine and tailor the General Plan to address the critical issues and concerns that are unique to a community and not reflected in the broader policies of the General Plan.

In spring 2017, the County of San Diego (County) and the community embarked on a comprehensive planning process to update the existing Alpine Community Plan. This is the first comprehensive update of the Community Plan since its adoption in 1979.

An updated Alpine Community Plan is needed to:

  • Reflect the latest General Plan (2011) and other State requirements and County plans and programs
  • Accommodate for population and demographic changes
  • Address future infrastructure needs and climate  change
  • Protect sensitive natural resources and habitats
  • Reflect the current community’s vision for the future

The Community Plan update effort includes the development of supporting studies which include  an Infrastructure Study and Market Feasibility Study for eastern Alpine and an analysis of potential environmental impacts from the proposed changes to the Community Plan through a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR).

Community design and placemaking will be addressed in updates to Zoning and Design Guidelines. An Implementation Plan will be developed as part of the Final Community Plan update to outline and prioritize potential projects that will assist in the implementation of the Community Plan. 

Project Timeline

Below are the estimated phases and durations of the project:

1. Project Initiation Spring 2017 - Fall 2017
2. Research Existing Conditions Fall 2017 - Winter 2017 / 2018
3. Analysis Summer 2018 – Summer 2019
4. Draft Community Plan/SEIR Fall 2020
5. Final Community Plan/SEIR Winter 2021/2022
6. Final PC / BOS Spring 2022

How to Get Involved

The Alpine Community Plan update will have multiple opportunities for stakeholder involvement throughout the entire update process.

Materials presented at workshops and presentations will also be made available on this project website after each event. The Public Outreach and Engagement Plan provides additional information about the public outreach plan. 


The Draft Community Plan and Draft SEIR were released for public review and comment on November 4, 2020. The 120-day public review and comment period closed on March 5, 2021. In addition, a Background Report was made available and provides an overview of the planning process undertaken to develop the Draft Community Plan.

All three documents and their appendices are provided below.

Upcoming Meetings

No meetings are currently scheduled. 

Previous Meetings and Materials

Draft Community Plan/SEIR Public Review Meeting– Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 6:00 pm (Online)

At this meeting Planning & Development Services staff presented an overview of the Draft Alpine Community Plan and Background Report documents, as well as the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report. Staff provided information on how to comment on the documents during the public review period (November 4, 2020 – March 5, 2021).

December 1, 2020 Staff Presentation

Zoning/Design Guidelines Workshop - March 2, 2019

Planning and Development Services staff received feedback about the community’s valued features and vision for the community’s design and character. There was also an update on the upcoming county-wide Land Development Code update.

March 2, 2019 Staff Presentation
Community Feedback Boards
Workshop Summary

Planning Concepts Workshop - January 26, 2019

Planning and Development Services staff presented and received feedback about potential land use alternatives in the Alpine Community.

Note: Some files are large and may download slowly.  

Staff Presentation
Land Use Alternative Maps

Subarea 1 (Northwest Corner of the Village):
Subarea 1 Maps (Existing Land Use, Land Use Alternatives and Community Workshop Preferred)

Subarea 2 (Tavern Road/Wright's Field):
Subarea 2 Maps (Existing Land Use, Land Use Alternatives and Community Workshop Preferred)

Subarea 3 (Otto Avenue):
Subarea 3 Maps (Existing Land Use, Land Use Alternatives and Community Workshop Preferred) 

Subarea 4 (Northwest Corner of the CPA):
Subarea 4 Maps (Existing Land Use, Land Use Alternatives and Community Workshop Preferred)

Subarea 5 (Eastern Alpine):
Subarea 5 Maps (Existing Land Use, Land Use Alternatives and Community Workshop Preferred)

Subarea 6 (Village/Alpine Boulevard):
Subarea 6 Maps (Existing Land Use, Land Use Alternatives and Community Workshop Preferred)

Workshop Summary
Community Plan Area Workshop Recommendation Map 

Goals and Policies Meeting #3 - November 8, 2018

The Alpine Community Planning Group was unable to make quorum; however staff gave the presentation below and explained the revisions made to the strike though underline version of the community plan and the historic comment matrix. A new comment matrix was prepared and distributed for the proposed goals and policies provided since October 11th

November 8, 2018 Staff Presentation
November 8, 2018 Supplemental Staff Presentation
Historic Draft Goals and Policies Comment Matrix
New Proposed Goals and Policies Comment Matrix
Draft Goals and Policies in Strikethrough Underline Community Plan

Goals and Policies Meeting #2 - October 25, 2018

The draft goals and policies for the Alpine Community Plan were heard as an item on the regular Alpine Community Planning Group meeting. With public input, the Group pulled items for additional discussion and members of the public provided new proposed goals and policies.

SEIR Scoping Meeting - September 18, 2018

The meeting explained the potential environmental effects identified in the Initial Study and how members of the public can submit a comment in preparation of the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR). The comment period ended October 1st, 2018.

Notice of Preparation Documentation
Notice of Completion
Initial Study

Visioning/Existing Conditions Workshop - January 6, 2018

This meeting reviewed the community's physical and economic existing conditions and gathered input about the community's vision for the future.

Meeting Agenda
Tabletop Exercise Maps
Wall Posters of Input from Scope Review Meeting

Community Plan Scope Review Meeting - June 27, 2017

This initial meeting provided an overview of the scope of the update and included an opportunity for stakeholders to provide preliminary input related to existing conditions.

Meeting Agenda
Exhibit Boards
NOTE: File contains 19 presentation boards and is approximately 35 MB. May download slowly.

For More Information

If you have additional questions about the Alpine Community Plan update, please e-mail PDS.CommunityPlanUpdates@sdcounty.ca.gov or call 858-505-6677